Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
James Bong
by Chai- 1 reply
I’ve never had the chance to smoke cannabis in so many ways, than recently, I was introduced to the world of Bongs. They are economic, beautiful devices and go easier on your throat (if you don’t smoke tobacco). I’ll tell a short story about my experience and beliefs: “From the fires of Mt. Eliza, the 2 foot marijuana smoking tool was forged. Many great meetings with him took place, until his untimely substitution for a new soldier, during the last trip to Amsterdam”. At first I was impressed by what a friend told me: - Smoking using Bongs makes you stupid. Is it true? I don’t know for sure... I still smoke of course, in my old Bong, my new Bong and so on... I think that…
Last reply by playfieldmta, -
- 14 replies
hey i wanted to buy a new glass bowl, i got a deluxe glass bowl and stem from B'n'T but the bowl is a little shallow and i have seen quite a few nice ones that would do much better any online stores you can recommend would be much appreciated, i've tried good 'ol google but had no such luck i am looking for a 14.5mm joint sized one is this sort of style (see photos), i am not really looking for any brand in specific, or any thing that has heaps of funky designs just something more cone shapped like the traditional metal cones, but glass and functional. I noticed BnT had some but they where upwards of $70 and they arent exactly what i was looking for any help is mu…
Last reply by choobax, -
- 5 replies
Gday Any one know the average rates/ammount for cannabis in south australia/adelaide ??? and the best way to roll a Joint Cheers pce
Last reply by JaykeSucks, -
Which vape? 1 2
by canaman- 11 replies
I am almost sold on the Arizer Extreme but also quite impressed with the Vapir One 5.0 Vapir One 5.0 HERE Arizer Extreme HERE Bufo & Cheebah have almost sold me with their reviews on the Arizer but I can't find much on the Vapir, has anyone have one or has used one? Both can be sourced in Australia, with the Arizer extreme coming in at just over $400 Cheers Canaman
Last reply by canaman, -
- 4 replies
Now, I only own one muller, and it's a little wooden one. It sees A LOT of use, seeing as it is my one and only, and because of that, a bit of build-up has occurred. I'm presuming the build up is left over powerdery bits and resins picking up dirt and then going black, but I'm not 100% sure. I tried scraping it off, but it's not coming off easily. I was thinking of soaking it in metho to remove the gunk, but then I thought that because the outside is finished wood and the inside appears to be left pretty natural, would the metho ruin the finish/get soaked up by the unfinished? Or would I be ok? Thanks, Jayke
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 5 replies
I live in qld and it seems to be a major problem finding glass billys because of the laws and havin no license ordered one off easy as pie. good price, quality product ,discreet packing ,quick postage 10/10 guys!
Last reply by stoney clover, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone tell me if any stores in the Newcastle/Hunter Valley area sell vaporisers? Thanks
Last reply by juet, -
- 0 replies
Just wanted to give a quick review about my Synthetic Urine purchase from Aussie Detox. Emailed them some questions on Monday, reply from them on Tuesday, I purchased with Express Post and had the product by Thursday. Very Professional!!! There are a few who could learn some customer service skills from these guys, very happy Also, if you have a drug test, Synthetic Urine is the best way to go IMO, fool proof, well almost As a mate says, invent a better system and someone will invent themselves a better idiot but I'm rambling... Link: Anyways, been waiting for Synthetic Urine for a while, it's here…
Last reply by Vdubz, -
- 5 replies
hi, long time smoker but first time buying a bong. ive smoked for about 4 years and joints have been my favourite but i am looking into buying a bong. ive smoked out of lots of mates glasseys but ive never thought bout buying one till now... i really would like to get a double chamber (thats if the old bong shop in Manly sells them) cos i have a mate who let me smoke out of one and it was smooth as shit. but i was looking round on the net and saw that its possible to buy triple chambered bongs. now im not sure if thats more novelty then actually contributing to smoothness - which is what im going for as i have really weak lungs, and though i can slay cones it burns …
Last reply by fletcher, -
- 0 replies
This is foremost my favorite legal high. It will not really get you completely wasted unless you smoke heaps of it, but it is something that will make you feel completely emotional to input that occurs within the time that you are intoxicated with it. Don't drive while under the influence, and yes, it does have legal synthetic material in it, but a house is synthetic but do you refuse to live in a house? This will be my last review, and last post, which is great because I end with a bang. This herb taste good and might be a good idea to mix with other herbs such as Lions Tail, Blue Lotus, or Damiana. It is 3D which makes shipping more expensive, and also the produ…
Last reply by Wesley, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hello all: I have been playing around with different herbs, making them into teas (all legal of course), but I was wondering if someone could possibly make and drink a cannabis tea and give a review of their experience? Thanks! Wesley
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
Hello all: Agung Euphoria Review Image: This is just a mix of different herbs (all which I plan on growing myself) that are completely legal. The ingredients contain California Poppy, Wild Lettuce, Damiana, Mullien, Mugwort, Passionflower and Scullcap. The bag was either 20 or 30 grams and cost me $14.50. I purchased the mix at a head shop and it was intended to be smoked. The guys at the head shop advised me that it at most relaxed you a little. I purchased it anyways because I am weening myself off of cigarettes and I can mix it with the tobacco in order to help the weening process. As I was advised, …
Last reply by Wesley, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone: I was wondering if anyone that has tried San Pedro tea would be nice enough to give me a review? I saw in a documentary that the Incans used to drink the stuff and all live underground in almost pitch black and could actually see in the dark through its use. I am interested so I would greatly appreciate a review if anyone has some spare time. Sincerely, Wesley
Last reply by Wesley, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
The packet is neat and folds over holding the 1 gram bag of herbs together. On the packet it says the following: Dream, an exotic herbal blend, releases a rich fragrance when burned. Dream contains a combination of plants and aromatic extracts. Tobacco and nicotine free. Enjoy the pleasing aroma of dream! INGREDIENTS: Baybean, Blue Lotus, Lion's Tail, Lousewort, Indian Warrior, Dwarf Scullcap, Maconha Brava, Pink Lotus, Marshmallow, Red Clover, Rose, Siberian, Vanilla and Honey. Image Okay, now all of the boring stuff is over with, to the review. If I had to use one word to describe the effects of d…
Last reply by Wesley, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, i just recently moved to australia from the uk! must say its about a billion times better here! haha, anyways. i was just wondering where i can buy a good quality 4 piece grinder from? in the uk i had a 2 piece space case, but i gave tht to my mate before i left. im having great difficulty finding somewhere to buy a new one from tho...any ideas? cheers in advance
Last reply by bigfatdoobie,