Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Does anyone know where you can get non-Spring Valley 375ml glass juice bottles? For a little while now Spring Valley has been making bottles with some ornate outdent pattern around the rim. This makes the bong not airtight and lose its grip on the vinyl tubing, so you end up smashing it if you hold it by the tube. There used to be another brand of juice that you could get at 7-11 or Nite Owl or something that wasnt Spring Valley but was the exact same size. Cant seem to find em anywhere anymore, not even in Supermarkets. It's only that one particular size and shape that is perfect for making that kind of bong. Any ideas?
Last reply by crank, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hey guys, I'm keen on buying up pretty much all the hemp & cannabis literature I can get my hands on. Things such as old govt. reports, information booklets, hemp books, production manuals and pretty much anything else cannabis and hemp related! Nothing will be too weird, wacky, old or new! I'd love it for people to PM me on here with what they have and if they have a price in mind and we can go from there. Everything will be coming to a great cannabis friendly home and will one day be apart of my dream of a Hemp Embassy in my home town in regional NSW. Thanks guys and look forward to seeing what might come my way! Chaz Dude
Last reply by the_dude, -
Group shot 1 2 3 4
by 420Downunder-
- 420 Crew
- 35 replies
Here's my collection in the new cabinet I just got;
Last reply by 420Downunder, -
Bong Cleaning 1 2 3
by Un1que2012- 20 replies
Just wondering if anyone either has tried or knows if the salt water trick actually works. I'm a lil weary as salt would definetly degrade grommits faster. We all know the wonders of Eucolyptus Oil so please, any other methods...
Last reply by theethiopian, -
- 13 replies
Been looking at buying a bong for the first time and have a few quick questions (apologies if they have been asked or answered before but i tried searching). Anyway i was lookin at a couple off and wanted to know the following: 1. How discreet is the packaging? 2. What will show up on my card statement? 3. Will there be any problems getting it shipped to tassie? Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
Last reply by weedlover, -
- 10 replies
Apart from having really awesome glasswork, anyone know the deal with these things? The yanks call em bubblers, basically a cross between a pipe and a bong I guess, anyone tried one? They available in capital cities? Never seen one out here in the stix. They're about 5-6 inches long, could be convenient.
Last reply by xxeu4riaxx, -
- 17 replies
Hi all, I would just like people's opinions on what they think is the best vaporiser for a long time smoker who's never used a vape before and why? Thinking i'm going to have to convert soon as my old lungs cant keep up anymore.
Last reply by JohnnyBlazeJnr, -
whats the best vapor goin out there?
Last reply by korky, -
wad up? umm just got a new vaporizer its the vaporite vp-007. i cant get it to work. Ive tryed everything if anyone has any ideas on what to do please let me getting pisse i spent like $140 on it. peace
Last reply by JohnnyBlazeJnr, -
- 16 replies
I have been relatively good all year and I told my wife I would like some paraphernalia this year instead of any Chrissy or birthday pressys so I really got in a big order with EDIT and got everything no dramas. Beans I got sent separately and arrived first. Everything else shortly after. Real good custy service and I was able to call them to discuss the finer points of what I was buying. Bong is a marvel of bongs. Sure it was a very expensive option but as you can see I love my bongs and joints. The Roor quality is obvious straight away. Man does it get you bent though! I decided that if you are a connoisseur of herb you should be able to use fine equipment too! I …
Last reply by Princess J, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
if you look into lingerie or camper washing machine say on ebay or numerous other places you will find many machines that are the same or better for way less money!!! Also I've made tons of bubble using a drill with a paint mixer whisk on it. Much better than using a cake mixer like they recommend. And you don't need to worry about damaging the bags. BTW you still need to get the bubble hash tea bag thingie to go with any washing machine you buy. But hell you can buy the washing machine for $70AUD and the perforated baggie from bubble bags australia (meerkat) for less than $100 whats the bubble now go for? A lot I seem to remember ........more than $300! Just sharing som…
Last reply by Stoney, -
My latest bong 1 2 3 4 9
by 420Downunder-
- 420 Crew
- 82 replies
This one's my latest pickup and my favorite (the straight tube)
Last reply by 420Downunder, -
- 3 replies
Good afternoon everybody, I live on the Gold Coast, and, knowing that bongs are illegal here, does anyone know where I can buy a good glassy from? They have those Water Pourers at Off Ya Tree and they have to be the worst quality bong ever designed. I'm willing to go down to northern N.S.W, any ideas? Cheers
Last reply by choobax, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey guys...planning on a relatively extensive review here, so those forewarned, please proceed at will. I'll start by saying the important bit - if you're one of the folks that is wondering about the validity and potency of the higher-end vaporizer units - THEY WORK. THEY WORK WELL. So, read on, and I'll talk about my experience with the method for a little bit, then go into what I hope is a cool and informative review for any curious minds. I had tried vaporizers before - the "smoke bubble" (which was aptly named) and one of the "bubblegum machine" looking ones, you know, glass dome top with a small heated element inside? Both worked, and got me thinking that maybe t…
Last reply by Cheeba-Cheeba, -
- 4 replies
remembering poking around the cupboard the other day there was one of those small 40W incandescent globes in there. It not having another use I thought I might repurpose it. It's one of those ~40mm globes on a standard bayonet fitting. A hacksaw took the top of the bayonet fitting off between the glass and the 'spikes' of the bayonet. A screwdriver was then used to break the filament holder. A tip seen from a link caused me to put a couple of teaspoons of salt in the globe and shake buggery out of it to clean the interior surface, and rinse thoroughly. Ends up the cap from a small bottle of Jack&cola fits quite well around a bayonet fitting if you 1st put a couple…
Last reply by BaronS,