Been Busted?
90 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 46 replies
yes i got busted with 2.7 kilo's of my best home grown..had my day in court got 12 months..the weight put me in district court with the charge of sell or supply. i have now done my time and out on parole. now my only gripe with this is that the 3 plants had just been pulled .that means they go by weight. but if those 3 plants were still in the ground it would have just been a slap on the wrist and a simple cultivation charge. oh well back into it ...a bit wiser..
Last reply by gundawindi, -
- 8 replies
Last reply by Kush', -
- 6 replies
hey fellas had a really bad day today was drivin in my car then around the corner there is a bust going on cops everywhere an people bein pulled over! I was intitally breath tested an thought sweet then they got out the drug swap an i became worried ! i'm a big smoker smoke everyday all day usually i have never been tested ! i also had a billy in my car an a bit of weed ! I was able to ditch my weed an the hose an cp in my ash tray but they seen the bottle with a hole in it an found my bowl so test came back about 5 mins later positive to thc whilst the police are searchin my car i got done wit utensils which is a court date an drivin under influence of drug seperate …
Last reply by Mull-a-matic, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, I've been reading these threads with interest as I live in the UK and had a fair few run ins with the cops over the years for growing weed. It seems that the issues you face are exactly the same as the UK. How did they get a warrant? Was the search lawful and how were you treated. In the UK when you are busted and charged you have to attend the Magistrates and they decide whether they deal with it or whether it should be passed to the Crown Court. The Crown Court deals with the more serious cases. In the UK if you start to grow over 9 plants then the 'guidelines' are that it is commercial rather than personal. Once it is deemed commercial then it is al…
Last reply by urbangrower, -
Just received a call from the Drug Squad. I'm working in Bris, at the moment as the police are breaking into my home, recording the raid on camera apparently. Will see what I come home to after a 3hr drive working away all week. Feeling very not part of the human race at the moment grrrr
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 10 replies
Was busted just wandering down the street in 2010. Copper said I was acting "strangely" - was just fkn wandering down the road at around 3:00 in the afternoon. Had a total of 3 scoobs on me. Freely admitted it was mine and was sent to drug rehab - no court appearance. Only time admitting anything is a good thing is if you have less than 8 grams apparently.
Last reply by Pleb Scrubber, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
hey guys finally had my day In court today so i thought i would post my experience and outcome I was busted in Nov 2011 last year....Why i got busted or what caused the police to turn up was purely my fault, I had a missus that knew what i was doing and to some extent agreed with what i was doing because all my money was being spent on buying it, anyway Early one morning she decides to be a prick and locks me out of the house while i took some rubbish out to the bin, I started to freak out as she was yelling and screaming at me through the front door and i thought 'this cant be good' ....after me yelling at her to unlock the door and let me in i eventually gave up ...k…
Last reply by IAMTHEWALRUS, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
I dont know if anyone has ever talked about what happens to Medical Professionals DRs, Nurses and so on but sadly I know from experience. The hoops we are made to jump through inorder to maintain our registration are fucking unbelievable. I'm not going to give you a blow by blow description of what happened to me it's too painful to revisit it makes me very angry. Yeah! I've been busted TWICE! fuck it. NO jail thank fuck. Fines. And 3 fucking years of Justifications to ensure I wasn't "IMPAIRED" and a "DANGER" to the public. Just so you know NEVER has ANYONE under my care DIED as a result of my own incompetence. I put myself under so much pressure because I knew if som…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 6 replies
I was busted a couple of years ago with 20 pound and a whack of cash, was threatened with extinction by a single representitive of the NSW poo-lice anti-gang squad (of which I'm NOT and NEVER have been a member of) when I refused to make a statement, and i think I'm lucky to be a big guy or the little man syndrome in this cop might have gotten really out of control. I was told that I lied to the desk Sgt about my DOB (the details of which HE wrote down from my drivers lic.) and was subsequently told I now have an alias (to make me look worse at court) was remanded in custody, refused bail, held in a gaol 350km's from the place of arrest, sent to court advised by my solici…
Last reply by croatia, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Hey thought I would post my experience in being busted. As stated it was in 2001. I was diving away from the house I scored at. Was only 1/2 a km from it about to pull up at the beach for a couple of quick ones with me mates. Didn't even get halfway down the beach rd and passed the cunce. They did a U-turn and pit the lights on. It was about 10pm . Don't know what day tho. I was not driving my car and the owner was not present.. The owner leant it to my mate and I drove it. So when they pulled us over, my mate who was very fearful of authority started talking. allowing them to search the car without cause ... They found my bond in my bag. When the asked who's is this?…
Last reply by ganja dave, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
I got raided a couple of weeks ago and it's depressing the fuck out of me. The cops got a tip off from my new next door neighbours or someone connected to them - they specifically were looking in the ceiling and if there wasn't any smell leaking out they might have pissed off after seeing that there was nothing illegal in my roof space. I mean how ridiculous is the notion of someone here in Aus. using their roof space to grow it gets so hot up there. So anyway they had a look around and found my set up and confiscated the 9 plants and all my weed which was about 3 or so pounds. Plus a charge for possessing a pipe. ATM it looks like they're gonna charge me with possession …
Last reply by El_Badass, -
- 0 replies
Texas Now Prosecuting TWO Medical Marijuana Patients [FEATURE] Post to: %20"]Twitter Facebook Digg "]StumbleUpon "]Reddit by Phillip Smith, August 18, 2010, 10:51pm, (Issue #645) Posted in: Arrests Driving Medical Marijuana News Feature Prosecution Race Search and Seizure State & Local Executive Branches Asthmatic medical marijuana patient Chris Diaz sits in jail in Brownwood, Texas, facing up to life in prison for a half ounce of marijuana and three grams of hash. Quadraplegic medical marijuana patient Chris Cain may be joining Diaz behind bars in Beaumont, Texas, after he goes to trial next week. When it comes to medical marijuana, Texas isn…
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 420 Crew
- 38 replies
Just got busted on march 24, in N.S.W I was not taken to a police station to be charged . It took 3 weeks to get my Court Attendance Notice and the facts sheet. I was charged with 1. possess prohibited drug, to wit 391 grammes of cannabis leaf 2. cultivate a prohibited plant, to wit 8 mature plants 3. possess prohibited plant, to wit 18 cannabis plants estimated value of plants $62,000 I have to go to court on may 25. I have to say the police treated me with full respect and they could have gone a lot harder if they wanted too. I will scan in all the papers after court is finished. The worse part for me is that so…
Last reply by How_High, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Thinking of you today bro and sending lots of 'fuck them up the arse' vibes. Hope it works Even if you don't get the result your after you've still won, you can hold your head high man. What your doing will help change things. Much respect
Last reply by uncle chron, -
Posession Victoria 1 2 3
by ewkerr-
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Hey Guys, Just thought I would share my experience of being caught with cannabis so as to help others not get caught and to demonstrate the ridiculousness of our current laws. Got busted last night while sitting on a park bench at about 10pm in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. I want to make a few things clear first about the ordeal: I'd come from a dinner out at a restaurant and was behaving in a peaceful and civil manner and had NO alcohol in my system. I was with one other friend and we were dressed very nicely. But basically we were sitting having a chat and a smoke on the edge of a park and a police car by what I assume was chance drove by. Immediately they noti…
Last reply by Vape, -