Cannabis Law and Politics
- 1 reply
Found this on the AEC site the other day: Hemp party deregistered There are no cannabis-related parties listed under the current register of political parties. There is however a Fishing party and a Shooters party.. So is this the death of cannabis activism in Australia? Bit sad really..
Last reply by freddie, -
- 2 replies
Bjelke-Peterson son in Qld election bid October 24, 2008 - 11:04AM Source: ABC The Bjelke-Peterson name may be back on the ballot papers when the next Queensland election is held. John Bjelke-Peterson, son of former premier Sir Joh, is seeking preselection for the Liberal-National Party in Nanango in the South Burnett, in south-east Queensland. Mr Bjelke-Peterson stood for the Nationals in 2006, but was narrowly beaten by independent Member Dorothy Pratt. He says he hopes having one of the most famous names in Queensland politics is an advantage. "Certainly my parents have achieved a lot in their time in their services to the state," he said. "I'd like to hope…
Last reply by Rocker, -
- 8 replies
I am new to this forum and I have a real serious issue coming up. My husband is traveling and I've heard that there may be checkpoints with dogs since he's going to TX. What is the best way other than luck to help him throw the dogs off so they wont smell it. He thinks if he double bags it in freezer bags and then puts it down in the cooler that will be filled with ice and cold water and other foods including an open bologna package that they wont smell it. Is this true? Or I've heard that if you use some kind of hunting scent that will throw em off too. Can someone help me with this?
Last reply by blackheartedprofit, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Quote of the Week 'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.' Thomas Jefferson 1802
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
- 7 replies
hello to all, excuse my ignorance in not saying hello on joining ozstoners As any who have read my rants I am reform cause they won't let me regrowth I really wanted to have a big bitch to celebrate my 100th post but flaked it and ranted in another thread so this is post 101 (i think) What to rant about is not a hard choice, some have seen my rants about the police being a corrupt institution which has a vested interest in maintaining a false war on drugs. Some may have read my rants about the way the police have treated me, some have accused me of whinging ( and rightly so). But I will try and contain my rants to this thread from now on? Some have read how o…
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
Hi People how are you all out there? I recently joined the canna community and am really stoked to see such a large number if resources and discussions here. I thought i would ask for some advice on the matter of being busted growing in Queensland. To sum it up a bit over a year ago i was charged with growing some Hydro which came about under some stupid and really unlucky circumstances. One night i was playing guitar with a new guitar amp i just bought. As a result i had the neighbours call the cops who arrived on the seen and silly me had the curtain open to my front door. I answered and they were cool and told me to keep it down. Just as they were waling away they …
Last reply by THE CHEF, -
- 3 replies
Politician sorry for not smoking pot Thursday, 18 September, 2008 World News Australia The leader of Canada's Green Party has apologised for never having tried marijuana while unveiling plans to call for the legalisation of cannabis. "I am not a fan of marijuana use," politician Elizabeth May explained at a campaign rally in Halifax, ahead of next month's election. "I've never used marijuana. I apologize." In its election manifesto, the Green party said the country's decades-old marijuana prohibition had "utterly failed and has not led to reduced drug use". Rather, prohibition has led to costly policing…
Last reply by duxxi, -
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Author Grotenhermen, Franjo Title: How to prevent cannabis-induced psychological distress . . . in politicians Journal: THE LANCET Date: May 15, 2004 Issue: Vol 363 Pages: 1568-1569 Cannabis can cause anxiety, agitation, and anger among politicians. The consequences of this cannabis-induced psychological distress syndrome (CIPDS) include overreaction with respect to legislation and politics and a lack of distinction between use and misuse of cannabis. In times of a war against drugs, this distinction might even be regarded as unpatriotic,1 as irresoluteness in the face of the enemy. One trend associated with CIPDS involves taking away the driving licence of people …
Last reply by entheofarm, -
- 15 replies
SPEECH IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Wednesday, 24 September 2008 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES (PALLIATIVE USE OF CANNABIS) AMENDMENT BILL The Hon. SANDRA KANCK: I move: That this bill be now read a second time. This bill is not about how we approach illicit drugs: rather, it is about how we ought to use science to assess the medical benefit of a drug-in this case, cannabis. We do not, for instance, have difficulty in allowing the use of morphine, from which heroin can be derived. Instead, we rely on the advice of doctors and researchers to assist in preparing safeguards, but the reduction of suffering that can come from using that drug is still allowed. However, in the c…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
Law reform 1 2 3
by leafy-
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
I think Australia needs more than one mardi grass, and it needs to be near every capital city.. if it were made as big as moomba as in melbourne, and more attractive to the public, we might actually have a chance at cannabis reform. Remember this is a war of propaganda, and we want to win it, if we are able to spread our views to more people, we might actually have a fighting chance. The current view is "filthy stoners" we need to change that to "happy friendly stoner who loves everyone" most people still hold the view marijuana leads to heroin addiction and death... lets thank "reefer maddness" for that one. I think there is nearly enough of us here to start a new…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
- 1 reply
So just because the commisioner is unaware does not mean it's not happening! Is the Commisioner aware of everything that happens? I highly doubt it. Qld police deny journalist probe September 28, 2008 - 1:20PM Source: ABC There are claims journalists' private records have been examined The Queensland Police Service says it is unaware of any internal investigation targeting officers who talk to and associate closely with the media. The Police Union says it has been approached by members about an internal Ethical Standards investigation into police officers who associate with journalists. Police Union ge…
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
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20 Million Arrests, and Counting By Paul Armentano September 25, 2008 In These Times Young people suffer the most under anti-pot laws, but they lack the financial means and political capital to lobby politicians to change them.Share Digg Reddit Newsvine This November, moments before millions of voters flock to the polls to elect America’s 44th president, law enforcement officials will make their 20 millionth marijuana arrest. Yet in the days leading up to this appalling milestone, it’s unlikely either candidate will call for — or even so much as entertain — any change in U.S. pot policies. It’…
Last reply by pisspotgrower, -
- 0 replies
HI everybody i recently had a drug raid threw my house the reason for the raid was i kicked out my meth addicted son inlaw for stealing from me an tryn to coax my 9 year old doughter into his habit and this piece of shit told the police i was a drug dealer after been busted himself. The police were rather polite in there raid as i suspected they didnt really believe his story but felt obligated to do a walk threw,But as a casual smoker they ended up finding an incomplete dismantled pipe that hadnt been used for years ...nothing else Apparently been in possesion of an incomplete dismatled pipe is against the law in QLD,they didnt even need a confession as to what it was …
Last reply by PiGMaN, -
- 1 reply
Dutch court allows cannabis cultivation for therapeutic use 17 September 2008 AFP THE HAGUE (AFP) — The Dutch Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a landmark appeal court ruling that made it legal for a patient with multiple sclerosis to grow cannabis for therapeutic use. Upholding the October 2006 ruling, the higher court said that "exceptional circumstances" meant an "illegal scheme can be justified when committed out of necessity. "The state of necessity is established," it added. The judgement followed a decision by the public prosecutor's office to challenge the appeal court's ruling which allowed MS suf…
Last reply by Kali Mist, -
Legal challenge to Australia's cannabis laws
by Guest niall- 9 replies
Some of you may be aware of lightning and littlbit's pending court case - there's been a few threads on the topic here, lots of discussion and feedback, and things are finally moving. You can find details about the case and information on how you can get involved and help here: The guys are in urgent need of support and donations. They are on disability pension and the cost of travelling to and from Court is now forcing them to choose between petrol and food on the table. I've donated $200 and helped out with costs where I can. If you can possibly afford to donate something to these guys it will make a big difference. They are fighting for …
Last reply by entheofarm,