Cannabis Law and Politics
- 5 replies
I don't know if any of you know about this site. But they basically have this thing where people e-mail them ideas, they put them up and people vote and comment. They have a legalise drugs one here pretty close to the top of the list. Whichever gets the most support they try and raise money to get an advertisement on the TV or in the newspaper. So I urge you to sign up over there and vote 'Hot' on this idea!
Last reply by wildblood, -
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Antwerp, March 2009 A RESEARCH INTO THE PARTICIPATION OF DRUG USER ORGANISATIONS IN THE DESIGN OF DRUG POLICIES ON A LOCAL AND EUROPEAN LEVEL Please find herewith the final report of a research on the participation of associations representing drug users in the design and implementation of policies that directly affect their lives: drug policies. Concretely the research has looked into the way this participation takes place on a local level (in the Drug Plans of the Autonomous Community of Euskadi – Basque Country, Spain) and on a European level (the European Union Drug Action Plans). The research was carried out between October 2008 and January 2009, by the European Co…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- Admin
- 13 replies
This came out Friday but I only discovered it yesterday. Don't bother clicking on the links. They now redirect to OzStoners. High-tech high-jinx as website hijacked A serial internet squatter who shot to infamy after buying the domain name has been accused of meddling in the upcoming state election by "hijacking" two websites in the names of government ministers to help raise money for the Opposition. The Liberal-National Party claims net prankster Wayne Smith is behind the and websites, discovered by constituents of the furious Queensland Police Minister earlie…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
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Inquiry into Australia’s Judicial System, the Role of Judges and Access to Justice * Information about the Inquiry * Getting involved in Senate committee inquiries * Upload Submission Online * Submissions received For further information, contact: Committee Secretary Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Australia Phone: +61 2 6277 3560 Fax: +61 2 6277 5794 Email:
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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nuff raspect fe Robert Randall yah must check his legal argument called --->necessady he said he is not guilty because and sane person who has a disease and knows cannabis will help them will breake the law to obtain cannabis That activity is not criminal but a act of self presavation and he won the right to medicinal cannabis i fixed that link its to a utube clip called Robert Randall - Father of Medical Marijuana in America gotta love dat iery guidance
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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I only just came across this story Police in the Richmond local area command say they were surprised by the results of a recent crackdown on illicit drugs. Acting Superintendent Greg Moore says two tourists buses were pulled over near Nimbin late last week and more than half the passengers onboard were found to be carrying drugs. He says while 24 of those caught were issued with cautions, others were not so lucky. "Depends on the type of drug and the quantities involved," he said. "In the majority of cases last week people were entitled to cannabis cautions, but there were other drugs such as LSD, amphetamines and ecstasy also seized. "Those people with the ha…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
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This article by me appeared in Treating Yourself Magazine #13. It is my overview of my recent visit to Nimbin and being a cannabis activist in Australia. I hope you enjoy this. The Prism of Activism My name is Mark, and I am a cannabis activist living in Canberra, Australia. I am but one of many good folk in my homeland who have taken up the struggle to bring cannabis and hemp awareness to the World, and put an end to prohibition. Being a cannabis activist in Australia is an onerous task. It requires dedication, commitment and courage. The laws in Australia are still somewhat draconian, and the Federal Government still maintains a zero tolerance towards cannabis, b…
Last reply by Smokin Moose, -
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where s the blog that has that attachement? No horror stories please Has anyone used this argument, and whats their dodgey response?
Last reply by freddie, -
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Date: 23 February 2009 Source: Copyright: 2008
Last reply by grace, -
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How accurate are new roadside drug tests? By Carolyn Tucker Lawyers are lining up to question the accuracy and purpose of new roadside drug tests, claiming there is insufficient scientific evidence to justify the government’s random approach. Launching the new roadside tests last week, Police Minister Judy Spence said there would be zero tolerance for those who climbed behind the wheel under the influence of marijuana, speed, ice or ecstasy. Ms Spence said those were caught would face fines of up to $1050 and lose their licence for up to nine months for a first offence. But some in the legal community, who prefer not to be named, suggested the new laws appeared …
Last reply by xxast0, -
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Author: Unknown Date: 20 February 2009 Source: AFP Copyright: 2009 AFP
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
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Author: Unknown Date: 19 February 2009 Source: Press TV Copyright: Press TV 2007
Last reply by grace, -
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Author: Cindy Holden Date: 19 February 2009 Source: California Newswire Copyright: 1983 - 2009 Neotrope®
Last reply by grace, -
- 7 replies
I just wish to advise that I have found what I know to be the best drug, supplement, treatment, etc. that I have or will ever find in my life. As there are laws about what can be said regarding medicines, etc. I will refrain from advising that this stuff can cure cancer, AIDS, malaria, fungus, cold, influenza and such like. The results occur in hours not days after starting with this stuff. Moreover, as it cannot be patented and the ingredients can be purchased easily it is very, very inexpensive. I couldn't be bothered making it up myself so I purchase it for $14.50 which includes $5.00 postage. If you are at all interested I suggest that you Google “MMS Humble” and shou…
Last reply by Al Fish, -
- 5 replies
Hey all BJ Here again. As i posted some time ago with my dramas of getting busted growing and getting off with the great result of No Conviction Recorded, i now have another dilemma. Basically i am going for a computer job. I have a long history of working in computers and am currently shortlisted for a new job. The question on the forms asks me to disclose anything charges i have been found guilty of or had a conviction for in the past. I called QLD police and they said that my recent charges from last year of No Conviction Recorded for growing / posession etc will not show up as no conviction was recorded. However i have read conflicting information online a…
Last reply by Nooby,