Cannabis Law and Politics
- 18 replies
Anyone out there has experience in a start up. Or is then one already that just needs a better marketing manager to promaote it. Or do they need better reppresention in the public because most people know that it would damage perceptions in the cominuty.
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Date: 21 June 2009 Source: Brisbane Times
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Author: Leigh Dayton Date: 20 June 2009 Source: The Australian,00.html
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Date: 18 June 2009 Source: Press Association
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 1 reply
Author: Jennifer Chambers Date: 17 June 2009 Source: Detroit News
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Authors: Sunil Kapur and Kelly McDermott Date: 17 June 2009 Source:
Last reply by 420 HELI, -
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Author: Ross Irby Date: 9th June 2009 Source:
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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1st National Cannabis Conference Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris St., Ultimo, NSW 7 – 8 September 2009 The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) is pleased to announce that the Centre will be convening the first Australian National Cannabis Conference in 2009. 2009 NATIONAL CANNABIS CONFERENCE Confirmed international and national speakers include: • Professor David M. Fergusson - New Zealand • Professor Alan Green - USA • Dr Lisa Marsch - USA • Dr Peter McKenna - Spain • Professor Iain McGregor - Australia • Dr Nadia Solowij - Australia • Associate Professor Alison Ritter - Australia • Professor Simon Lenton - Australia • Associate P…
- 3 replies
Imagine,?? Where the world would be without stoners, silly stoners? where would non stoners be without the theraputic herb on the comedown? Yea nay sayers of the synthetic who need to turn to nature so that your tweekend can end, should chill, and begin again, cause you started backwards, and should try again. Anyway try this survey... What meds would you use if not for cannabis eg: GP PRESCRIBED !. Paracetamol (s/r 500) 2. panadeine forte 3. murelax 4. fluvoxamine 5. diazepam Well no thanks!!! STONER PRESCRIBED 1. natural herb that does not rot the gut....etc etc etc so is more cannabis smoked by non stoners on a sunday/monday to assi…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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Student's Essay: 'Legalize Marijuana' Here is the essay that a student presented at Peninsula High School in Purdy on Tuesday morning. While presenting it, the student took out a marijuana joint, lit it, and began smoking it, police said. See complete story Ian Barry Persuasive essay Napier 1st 25-May-2009 Legalize Marijuana Can I see a show of hands how many people here have ever smoked Cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana? I see none of you raised your hand. Well obviously no one would want to admit to a criminal activity in front of their teacher. But why is it that smoking pot is so taboo in our society? After all numerous famous intellectuals support ma…
Last reply by ettin, -
Google Earth :( 1 2
by primo- 11 replies
hello all, I did not know or poster this message ? it is for the farmers in outside !!! here several farmers modified their culture !!! yes, yes, yes, I do not joke in France too.... it is not rare to know 1 farmer with 1 large ground and of great projects… That is not the first blow of the Police force carried out with Google Earth… but for Switzerland the Media speak about it ! I give you the bond but it is in French, sorry. The Swiss police force stopped traffickers with Google Earth ! 7500m2 of culture of the cannabis… But that was identical in Belgium with only 2500m2 of cannabis... the cannabi…
Last reply by primo, -
- 2 replies
This is the new campaign being put out, and yes specifically targeted at cannabis. Oh yes, lets target one of the least harmful drugs in the world including all pharmaceutical drugs. Pure ignorance. Anyway i went to the website for this campaign. Their main point in this page is to "Get the facts", now if you read these facts you will see how alot of facts have been left out. So they have a contact page, i decided to send a little email to them. Everyone who reads this, i say....flood their email box filling in the rest of the facts for them, we can't keep letting them live in ignorance. Here is w…
Last reply by eexpee, -
- 2 replies
- 677 views Drug Advisory Council Report REPORTS HIGHLIGHTS REPORT OVERVIEW Victorians are justifiably concerned about widespread misuse of drugs in our community. Experimentation among young people is widespread. Use of drugs such as cannabis and amphetamines is high by international standards, despite prohibitionist laws and a strong commitment to law enforcement. Concerns have become apparent about increasing adolescent initiation into heroin, the shift from oral to intravenous administration of amphetamines and the use of derivatives of this group such as Ecstasy. Use of multiple drugs is common and the same criminal source may offer a va…
Last reply by lightning, -
- 3 replies
One of the Government's favourite slogans (started with the reagan administration in the US many years ago, and continued even though it doesn't work) here is our take on it.......... Before we start getting into the delusion of "Just say NO"/"Just say YES" to drugs and drug cultures of choice, we must finally start to begin saying NO to things that really matter when it comes to this debate/ war of one collective of drug lords and drug cultures (buzzword 'licit') against another collective of drug lords and drug cultures, never mind the massive collection of innocents/ people who respect their choice and do not deserve to be persecuted for that choice. We must truly st…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 6 replies
Murder your lovely new bride? 12 months jail, less time served, of course. The prosecutor even only sought 5 years with an 18-month non-parole period. Grow dope in NSW with hydroponics? 20 YEARS. WTF. I'm thinking of taking up being a hitman.
Last reply by luciddreaming,