Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Come one, come all !! Come vote in my Facebook Poll;src=url_share Put your OWN opinion in as a comment if you like. Send the link to friends that smoke and ones that don't as well. Get some talk going on about this. *hope this post doesn't contravene site rules*
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 6 replies
- 868 views Now TEN cabinet ministers admit: 'We smoked cannabis' OK this was some time ago, and I know there are many more of these. So lets build the evidence that shows cannabis does no long term harm, unless they are all admitting mental imparment or brain damage while serving in office. This will be very useful information and will add to the growing evidence of the hypocracy and lies by governments around the world.
Last reply by jabez, -
- 6 replies
Source: by Tom++, June 27, 1995 From the Talk.Politics.Drugs Usenet newsgroup You support robberies and assaults on innocent people. The high prices of drugs caused by prohibition force many drug addicts to turn to robbery in order to pay for their drugs. Legalization would drop drug prices. Drug users would no longer need to rob/assault innocent people in order to support their drug habit. This violence against innocent people would end if drugs were legalized. You support clogging our prisons and jails with nonviolent people. Nearly 50% of all people in prison and jail are serving time for nonviolent dru…
Last reply by CannabisMan, -
- 3 replies
I suddenly realised tonight in a smoky haze that Thomas Jefferson is to blame for the whole cannabis Prohibition thing. He was a Cannabis grower and user and the silly bugga sat down and wrote the American Bill of Rights, there by pissing off the bigots and would be tyrants who vowed immediately never to allow this sort of thing to happen again EVER. They then set out to ban the plant they blamed for his "Evil" thoughts of rights for all. How dare he!!
Last reply by Smokyk, -
- 0 replies
<h3 class="r">AM: 7TH LIONEL MURPHY MEMORIAL LECTURE by Professor Paul Wilson</h3> This is a PDF and simply will not play nice and allow cut and paste. However this is perhaps one of the best documents from anyone in a long time and this was 1993. We really could use a lot of what he says in this for our own fight against the governments.
Last reply by littlbit, -
I just relocated here from the US. Is there a NORML Australia? If not, is there another cannabis policy organization?
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 4 replies
Date: 5 July 2009 Source:
Last reply by DarkSpark, -
- 2 replies
Author: Kevin Drum Date: July/August 2009 Issue Source: Mother Jones
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 7 replies
I knew that you can't sell bongs in qld but... is this really necessary, damn, poor shop owners just trying to make a buck
Last reply by 420 HELI, -
- 5 replies
- 1k views "Long-term effects Research shows evidence of some long-term effects in some regular cannabis users. Respiratory illness Marijuana cigarettes have more tar than tobacco, placing cannabis users at an increased risk of respiratory illness such as lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. Cigarette smokers who also smoke cannabis have an even greater risk of respiratory disease. Reduced motivation Many regular users have reported that they have less energy and motivation, so that performance at work or school suffers. Brain function Concentration, memory and the ability to learn can all be reduced by regular cann…
Last reply by Wakenbake, -
- 2 replies
Just thought some people might want to see this. Maybe if you have kids. Paul Dillon seems like a reasonable guy as far as I can tell.
- 6 replies
Author: Mary O'Hara Date: 26 June 2009 Source:
Last reply by Gee, -
- 4 replies
Bufo I loved you thread, its brilliant!! So now I'm thinking that poor Sally R who inspired it all needs a little help from us to suggest to her and her super (ill)astute boss the addict-shrink some more useful research topics than the piss-weak one that brought her here (in case you missed it she works for that lovely organisation NCPIC who for only 3 million per year of our beautiful tax dollers get to promote loser vids to make you quit pot and they run research programs into how to get us good folk to part the good ol' green. I'm rambling and I'd rather start rolling, the prize is an amazing drawing of a dope leaf drawn by...oh I don't know maybe an incredibly tal…
Last reply by chuffer, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
- 1.2k views Mr Overland will be live online to take your questions on policing in Victoria on Wednesday, 17 June from 12.30pm to 1.30pm. We can ask him stuff like "I read that you would support legalising or decriminalising drugs if there was evidence to support that it is safer. I am wondering whether you have read the study on the decriminalisation of all drugs in Portugal, showing that this decreases drug use and deaths from drug use." Be polite, we don't wanna turn him against us.
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Just read this website.... I am trying to find out who funds them. I bet you it's the same as drug free america company - Tobacco and Alcohol. Check out this bit they have on Heroin. I really hope they don't have funding coz this is the most unscientific drivel I've ever heard. A heroin trial will not reduce drug deaths nor get addicts drug free because – · Heroin is a dangerous mood altering drug · Giving heroin to addicts will lead to more addicts as trials approve the use of heroin so more people will believe it is OK to try heroin then become addicted · Hero…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -