Cannabis Law and Politics
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Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by Reverend, -
- 38 replies
Attached is a flyer publicising the rally being held during the NCPIC conference at the Powerhouse Museum on the 7th and 8th of September. We need to get the word out where possible to any area that you think needs to be informed and mobilised. If you are in Sydney and have access to a public noticeboard PLEASE print a copy of the flyer and pin it up. I don't care where you put it up as there is no group name on it. Local shopping centre, University boards, TAFE campus, sporting club, RSL, whatever... anyplace where people over 18 gather. I'd prefer not to see it put up at places where under 18's gather as I think that would be counter productive. We have …
Last reply by Radic, -
- 6 replies
You won't believe this funny anti-cannabis website from above the influence, "Stoners in the Mist" filled with lies of course!
Last reply by humphrey b flaubert, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I just thought I'd share a small incident which happened today, in which 2 of my friends were caught by teachers at school whilst high. Now, they are facing trouble both in school, with their families and with the police. This is unfortunate as they are both intelligent and caring people who have obviously had a lapse in judgement in terms of appropriate times to be smoking ganja. I am a vast proponent for the legalization of marijuana, however the likelihood of this occurring in Australia being virtually 0%, I would at least settle on the dissemination of useful and truthful facts surrounding the use of …
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
If YOU were preparing a media package for the Sydney Rally, what points would you want it to cover. I was thinking of working with the Hemp Embassy on a media package to email out to the media outlets in Sydney in advance of the Rally. SO that means emailing it by Friday lunchtime at the latest, since the rally is gathering from 8 am Monday. I thought of presenting some information like how the NCPIC provides no medical information including some studies re cannabis not being a gateway drug Medical studies How Canada has medical use Federal law and they are commonwealth country too crime has dropped in the US states with medical laws What do you think... What…
Last reply by Radic, -
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We've created a new online fax tool making it easy to fax your local MP or Senator for free. Just picture the scene in your politician's electorate office. They won't be able to ignore the letters spilling out of the fax machine as hundreds of locals write in about internet censorship.
Last reply by 000patto000, -
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Heading speaks for it self maybe someone with experience on Sydney travel could provide help on the easiest ways to get to the powerhouse museum.
Last reply by Token, -
- 26 replies
Hey all, I know its not a new idea but hey why dont we all agree on a day in which we can all form together all over Australia when we voice our ideas as one combined, powerful force? I think our activism will result in more power if we all work together on a single day to prove that advocates of cannabis are a very large, powerful community. As far as i know we don't have such a well recognised day in Australia but imagaine if word was to spread about a day where every one who wanted these laws changed all over the nation stood up as a single recognisable power. Just a thought dudes. Chris
Last reply by Toast, -
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Author: Alex Wodak Date: 27 August 2009 Source: Brisbane Time
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 4 replies
Guys. I want to contribute to make marijuana legal in Australia, or at least in Victoria... Is there any activist group here in Melbourne? Thank you.
Last reply by mrsmokey1, -
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Saw this sad news story about a lad in England, Gareth Anderson who's a 19 year old binge drinker. He needs a new liver immediately or he will die. He's having trouble getting one cause he doesn't qualify for the liver program until he hasn't had a drink for 6 months. Looks like he's going to die. I was watching Dr Phil (while puffin' on a few billies...nothing like junk TV and cones) and there was this woman who was so fucked up with a raging prescription meds addiction. She had initially been given them for depression. I sure wish that poor boy had discovered the wonders of smokin herb and someone sure could have helped that poor woman by rolling her a real fat spli…
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey, Just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction regarding lillbit and lightning's case in the high court. Last I read they we're waiting for a verdict or something and that was like 2 months ago. Cheers
Last reply by Priceadon2, -
- 4 replies
Date: 2 July 2009 © 2009 NZCity, NewsTalkZB,nrhl
Last reply by westy, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
After careful counting and double checking.... I am pleased to announce the winning name for the organisation is.... CANA Cannabis Awareness Network of Australia The tricky bit is the availability or not of this as a website. It seems to be available as a, but not as a or SO what do you all think the next step is? Do we look for a suitable web address, make a non profit organisation then start spreading the word? Or is there another path you want this organisation to take? Put your thoughts here
Last reply by Crunchy, -