Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Watched a documentary about marijuana a while ago and they mentioned a familiar website Did you know this website is founded bye a tobacco company? Isnt it generous that tobacco companies care about public health so much that they must educate us on drug use. This here shows the list of dangerous drugs, it includes marijuana, alcohol heroine etc, but seen as cigarettes/nicotine aren't at all dangerous they decided to leave it off the list, and on there list of drugs down the page in a nice alphabetical order they decide that marijuana is soooooo dangerous that it must be taken out of the list and put …
Last reply by crank, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Ive heard a rumour going around that there gunna ban bongs? is this true or just a big made up lie?
Last reply by crank, -
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Last reply by grace, -
- 12 replies
- 2k views We need to work to change this imbalance, politicians may set drug policy, but its the media who have the most influence over which policies are publicized, therefore skewing the political process by manipulating public opinion.
Last reply by plazma, -
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Last reply by jabez, -
- 16 replies
I have been taking marijuana (heavily) for over 20 years and I am sick of the lies surrounding marijuana. * Why do we not tell our youth the truth? You are much safer and better off getting stoned than drunk! For any person, smoking marijuana is a safer option to getting drunk. Don't want to end up dead? There is no known chance of death from taking marijuana, but there are many increased risks for death from consuming alcohol, including accidents, injury, being a victim or instigator of violence, car crashes, suicide, rape, and death directly attributed to the toxic effects of alcohol on the body. * If Marijuana becomes legalized, it will replace alcohol as the dru…
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 5 replies
Norm Stamper's speech at the Qld Civil Liberties Council, ummmm I think it was the annual general meeting? Thanks to the young guys who made the effort to record and post the video on YouTube, the sesh afterwards was good fun too
Last reply by Radic, -
- 1 reply
I found this old paper I wrote for a law unit, not sure what mark it got. This was written long before the police fucked me over and I became a cannabis activist. The role of Judicial Activism in shaping the laws of Australia. Introduction Is it possible for myself as a first year law student to have the ability to critically discuss the role of judicial activism in shaping the laws of Australia? I for one do not believe so. I will go as far as comparing it to someone attempting to write a novel before learning the alphabet. Firstly one would need a thorough understanding of judicial activism to be able to critically discuss it and secondly some sort of personal o…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Just wondering what the penalties are for being caught with cannabis seeds, say around.. 60-70? In Victoria Australia.
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 3 replies
Great bunch of people at the ADLRF, these are the people who are fighting for us and others on the science. A discussion paper has recently been produced by an organisation called "TRANSFORM drug policy foundation" on the options of a regulated drug market and how this may work in practice. It may be of interest to members here and thought I'd provide a link to it here. It's long, take that as given, but it's worth the read and the arguments are put quite well. Enjoy and know that there are many many others who have the same goals of a free society which doesn't punish consenting adults for victimless crimes.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
IF You were Reported to the Police for Growing How long would it take for the boys to come knocking at your door? Interested to know from people who have been raided or even people that have heard from someone who knows some one that was visited. Just wondering if it is days/months/years .... I am not sure if someone has reported me so I was wondering how long to wait until i could reassure myself that it is just my paranoia and not based on fact.
Last reply by Cyclone, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
I am posting the banner I made off to the Hemp Embassy today for their use both at Sydney and at MardiGrass ... and anywhere else they want. If I can't be there in person I can be there in spirit at least. Some of the damn sequins didn't co-operate though
Last reply by sparkler, -
- 12 replies
Just an update for the interested activists to be I am currently reading and digesting all the stuff that the government requires in order to form a legitimate group, which will be a non profit organisation. This might take me a while as there is a lot to read before we can go further. I am hoping to have a sample Mission Statement and constitution up for discussion soon, but can't give you an exact time frame at this point in time.
Last reply by tommygreentoke, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
hey guys.. anyone here been to Amsterdam, or know of the crime rates in Amsterdam ?? it had me thinking since its legal there on what the rates would be like.. peace.
Last reply by Gee, -
- 420 Crew
- 29 replies
I got an email from the NSW police about the rally in Sydney on the 7th September. it says : I am attaching the PDF they sent me to this post so you can read it. NOW ... HOW DO I FILL IT OUT ??? I presume I have to give my name and address ??? I'd rather not actually .... as I am not the organiser... or the head of an organisation. I am not attending the Rally, coz I can't afford to get to Sydney for it. I am also not a resident of NSW. We don't have an organisation to name in the paperwork. I am wondering if the HEMP embassy at nimbin should/would/could perhaps be filling out the paperwork as they are attending as far as I know and they are an establish…
Last reply by tommygreentoke, -