Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by everest, -
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Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by JaykeSucks, -
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I guess we all wonder is the link between marijuana and schizophrenia real? Well i decided to compare rates of cannabis usage between country's versus the rates of schizophrenia among these country's. Take a look at these 2 tables. If cannabis really did cause schizophrenia wouldn't there be higher rates of schizophrenia among country's with highest usage rate?
Last reply by surferguy, -
- 7 replies
While it sucks that marijuana is illegal, I am starting to think: maybe it doesn't as long as neither myself or anyone I care about gets busted! In my suburb of Taperoo South Australia- its everywhere! Hey I was in a lazy mood, and I was not sure the best section to dump this, feel free to move it. I smoke pot (a lot), my housemate smokes pot lightly a couple of times per week. The people over our back fence smoke pot (we often go around there, they have a pool and we get wasted muck around, loud music etc). I know of at least 3 people that sell pot in this neighborhood, and I've only been here six months. One guy less than 100 meters away seems to be ALWAYS availab…
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 6 replies
Just clearing out the "notepad" from last year ... here's another take on the same old subject Dec '09 : Well , that's just some crude notes from the sidelines but the point almost remains intact ... What do you reckon? Maybe the "Authorities" really are just looking out for OUR Best interests?? ("Whaaat!? , MY best interests!? ... Who are YOU to say what MY best Interest is!?" - Institution : Suicidal Tendancies) There is more to it all than just profits and political point scoring. That much is certain. Cheerz All ... and ofc , Stay Vigilant Budman
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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Last reply by grace, -
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Last reply by grace, -
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Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hi. In 1 year i want to move to Australia to Gold Coast. Now I'm living in Denmark and here is no problem with buying and smoking at least u can pay some fine. How the situtation is looks in Gold Coast ? If they will catch me do i have any note in my records ? What is the price +/- for 1g ? Thanks alot for all answer.
Last reply by coolbudz, -
- 5 replies
My buddy is an amputee and I want to get him a birthday gift of a lighter pipe because he loves to get high, but he has problems using both a pipe and lighter, having only one arm. He gets by, but I think a lighter pipe would be the solution to his problem because it’s a pipe and lighter combined into one product. But which one should I get the solopipe or the 7 Pipe Pro?
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
For all those scientists out there that have forgotten basic biology soon after leaving colledge If you remember the standard distrubition curve for any chemical naturally found in the human body you will understand that ~62% of all people will have an amount that is considered within "normal ranges" for any given substance WHAT ABOUT THE REST! well ~17% have too much and any amount extra will cause health issues. also ~17% will not have enough and will require a supplement to get within "normal ranges" For those who think we do not use alcohol naturally in our bodies Please read about Glycolysis and pay particular attention to what happens to Pyruvate. (A drug …
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 19 replies
I guess we all wonder is the link between marijuana and schizophrenia real? Well i decided to compare rates of cannabis usage between country's versus the rates of schizophrenia among these country's. Take a look at these 2 tables. If cannabis really did cause schizophrenia wouldn't there be higher rates of schizophrenia among country's with highest usage rate?
Last reply by PERTHSTONER, -
- 2 replies
hi im from vic where weed is illegal in all forms Should i use a proxy for this site to stay anonymous i dont mean to sound like my wife asked me if its possible to to get caught through this site. I thought there was no harm in askin. Cheers to All Oxide
Last reply by Oxide, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Legislative options for cannabis in Australia during the last couple of hours i have been reading most of the web pages that showed up in google after searching for cannabis in the australian sites. I came across a ripper of a site, who suprisingly give 5 options for cannabis legislation in australia which they list in detail and then give recommendations based on their study. what is suprising about that? well being a government run website, one would expect their point of view to fall in line with the rest of the government, but they actually recommended all the way back in 1994 that the total prohibition policy in Australia regarding cannabis was …
Last reply by jabez, -