Cannabis Law and Politics
- 23 replies
Hi All, All this crap in my letter box, we must be having an election. But I've just recieved some from Family First party. BE AWARE, BE VERY AWARE. This party is Assembly Of God church. Now I've stated before " god and politics don't mix " But this lot are slimey. No where on their brochure is their affiliation with the church stated. None of their political banners state it and not many people actually know who they are. They are putting up candidates in each state. This is not good for anyone. Religion has …
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Just heard on the radio that Kevie walked in and handed in the PM job over to Gillard. So lets see what sort of bull shit she will get this country into and what lies she tell the ppl...
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 0 replies
G'day all, As Julya Gullard heads to the GG to call an election, can the people of Australia Drive change and a major voting swing to Free Hemp growing licences to recover an overused and abused Australia. Hemp for cheaper and greener energy, food, houses, roads and medicine. Australia needs to take over and lead the Green Way. NOW IT THE LAST OPPORTUNITY / TIME BEFORE 2012/13. You guys and girls of this forum don't need the lessons, the people of the public in Australia need to see the Green side of Marijuana. Green and growing is the same as forward facing heading in the right direction.... Hemp, like tomatoes isn't for everyone, but will benefit everyone. Use yo…
Last reply by oz360, -
- 1 reply
There are many forms, and many negative and destructive outcomes associated with the ways people have tried to deal with their phobia/s. More often than not, they choose to deal with it by destroying/ eradicating that which they fear, instead of learning to accept, understand and respect that which is 'different'/ 'foreign'/ 'unusual'/ 'strange' to them. Their irrational fear becomes tempered with their irrational hatred of the subject matter involved. If they are in a position of Power (i.e. Governments, Law Makers, Law Enforcers etc), then they usually not only teach their irrational fear/ phobia and their hatred to others, they write it into Policy, and set thei…
Last reply by Radic, -
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So I was doing some more reading on Dr Robert DuPont, former US drug czar and was astounded to read an interview with him which described his policy evolution when it comes to cannabis. When he first started with Nixon he was the head if NIDA and was pro-decriminilisation of cannabis, arguing any problems with it should be a health issue and not a criminal one. That was, until he received a letter from Ron and Marsha "Keith" Schuchard - two middle class American teachers who held a party for their 13-year old daughter, who they claimed had become "moody, indifferent and just wanted to hang out with her friends." At this party, the teens had alcohol and cannabis. As a re…
Last reply by snooch, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Hey I have been reading various threads on various "marijuana addiction" forums. I've been smoking pot for years, I am quite capable of consuming an entire ounce within a week. When I run out, I get mild craving for pot, a bit of boredom, slight headache, slightly upset feeling stomach, reduced appetite, lower sleep quality. But its mild and thats it. But many people claim many outrageous things about pot. It pisses me off, because these people almost seem to be brainwashed into believing they are victims. Many of them refer to the years they smoke pot, as not to years they smoked by choice, but years they were "addicted". They call themselves in "recovery". The…
Last reply by aussie1, -
- 8 replies
Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act (Preamble) An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia. [9th July 1900] (The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom at Westminster)
Last reply by mull, -
Religion and drugs 1 2 3
by snooch-
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
I was just doing some reading on Scientology, and was interested to read that the Foundation for a Drug Free world ( is actually a front body for the church. Scientology's opposition to drugs is pretty well-known, so I'm not overly surprised by it, although the site does peddle in plenty of lies (like the first line, that reads Drugs have been a part of our culture since the middle of last century). ughh Given many, if not all, of the directors of Drug Free Australia ( list religious organisations in their profiles (and given I'm sure there's a million other similar anti-drug websites run by religious organisations out there), …
Last reply by Nooby, -
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Last reply by grace, -
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Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Well I have never been to prison, the most I have ever done was time in lockup for the weekend about 12 years ago after a drunken rampage (back in my days of ignorance, when I drunk instead of used the herb). But it must SUCK in prison... One of the big problems- besides general hostilities- must be a lack of stimulation and boredom. I honestly believed if they allowed *most* prisoners (not prisonerss with psychotic disorders or who are excessively paranoid or accusatory) to consume marijuana in their cells in exchange for good behavior and compliance, I honestly believe you'd see a significant reduction in violence in prison. Marijuana while not a magic cure for ps…
Last reply by phreakah, -
- 11 replies
I really hate the negative opinion some people have about weed even when they don't know anything about it. Why is that if somebody goes out and gets blind drunk every weekend then it's all in good fun but if somebody else smokes an occasional joint they must be a drug addict loser? This fucks me right off
Last reply by xeroer, -
- 16 replies
It's a pretty safe bet that any drug related site will end up being on the manditoraly banned IP list, including OnLine Seed Shops, OZ Stoners, ETC. They would then probably ban & block encrypted anonymity servers to prevent alternative access to the banned drug related sites. Say goodbye to most imported cannabis genetics & say hello to much poorer quality pot in Australia... We Need To Act NOW to Stop This: URL= Once it's in & Done, we'll NEVER get rid of it. WE'RE NOT LITTLE CHILDREN, RUDD, & THIS ISN'T CHINA, YET. If you don't want your eMails Scanned & Canned, If you don't want Seed Shops Bl…
Last reply by psychoresin, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey people. Hope this is the best section for this, I've got a bad back and I am in pain so forgive me... Take a look at this website, which is a South Australian drug program: Here is some of the factual information they state about marijuana (copy and pasted): THE FACTS: 75% of people in our Mental Health System are there because of drugs. Marijuana is more addictive than heroin Marijuana detox takes far longer than heroin detox. The symptoms of marijuana detox can be just as severe as heroin. Marijuana is a ‘gateway’ drug for youth. i.e. it does lead to the use of other drugs. The MENTAL effects include: De…
Last reply by Al Fish, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I just read this excellent ebook called "Marijuana is safer: So why are we driving people to drink?" I am going to buy several copies of it from Amazon (its only about $10) But if you want to read it, you can read it here: (Please note you can't download this version, its embedded onto the page, but you can find downloadable versions around if you look)
Last reply by Crunchy,