Cannabis Law and Politics
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Last reply by grace, -
- 6 replies
- 1.1k views Tax Cannabis 2010. Sponsored by S.K. Seymour LLC, a Medical Cannabis Provider, dba Oaksterdam University, a Cannabis Educator. 1776 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612, FPPC 1318272 CONTROL&TAX The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 Title and Summary: Changes California Law to Legalize Marijuana and Allow It to Be Regulated and Taxed. Initiative Statute. Allows people 21 years old or older to possess, cultivate, or transport marijuana for personal use. Permits local governments to regulate and tax commercial production and sale of marijuana to people 21 years old or older. Prohibits people from possessing marijuana on school grounds, using …
Last reply by Buddy McBud, -
- 6 replies
Take care
Last reply by itsMoeyy, -
- 12 replies
People I hope you don't vote the religious nutcase Tony Abbott in , as opposed to the atheist Julia Gillard. Gillard may not be prolegalization, but if Abbott gets in there is absolutely no chance of any progress being made in the legalize marijuana front. Don't expect any progress with medical marijuana in this country either. If your on disability for pain and take marijuana medically - watch out- you are the sort of person Abbott wants to get.
Last reply by itsMoeyy, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
For the law to be changed we got to get up and show the government that we ain't a bunch of lazy stoners. We have to protest! Even though I am new here i have observed the news and in America the legalization of medical Marry-Jane has not come through people just sitting down and doing nothing but through years and years of protests and event against the prohibition of the herb. I say we the Australian tookers; need to stand up and organize some sort of protest or event to show the goverment we are not just talking our selves up but doing somthing.
Last reply by MongyMan, -
Hair tests
by synder- 4 replies
How long does the body stops depositing THC into hair follicles after a person has hypothetically smoked once in their life (1 joint)? Also, is there any difference between how long it stops depositing into body hair and the hair on your head? Yes, I know that assuming you never cut the hair it will always be there, but at what point (hypothetically assuming a person has only smoked once in their life and stopped right after that), would a person be safe to shave their head and body and know that the hair that replaces it will not have any traces of THC? I find the half life to be interesting and was curious.
Last reply by Radic, -
- 1 reply
Introduction: Drug Use in Australia The issue of drug restriction and prohibition is one that has become increasingly important in today’s society. After the (failed) war on drugs conducted by the United States, nations have been looking at alternative methods of combating the drug epidemic. This essay will seek to examine why current drug policies have failed, and explore some of the possible alternative methods that could be implemented to regulate drug markets, particularly in Australia. The following graph shows the number of drug arrests in Australia from 1996 – 2007. Ceteris paribus, the growth or decline in drug-related arrests should be indicative of shifts …
Last reply by The Green Dragon, -
- 8 replies
dose any one know how or any group to join the fight to reform the laws or a lazzy smoking sit by you computer like thing so sick of all the bull shit serounding this plant,
Last reply by gottagrow, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey guys, was just wondering, with the internet censorship that the Labour party wants to bring in, will it block this site?? Also what about other marijuana sites such as growing sites, strain guides and forums? If Labour does get elected and this passes through the senate how will you bipass the filter to come onto this site???
Last reply by brick, -
- 22 replies
Okay I have done a search but I still haven't found a satisfactory answer to the question: Can you get busted from using fairly high amounts of electricity from a hydro grow? I think we can figure it out if people answer the following questions (this is for indoor hydro growers). Please specify if your grow is not at a residential address and answer the following questions, as more people do so we shall be able to build up a picture. If you steal electricity from the grid, also please specify this, as this is likely to significantly effect the risks. (1) How many Watts approx do your lights consume? (2) What State do you live in? (3) Roughly how long have you be…
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 4 replies
Dear We won! Late last night the Coalition announced it won't be voting for an internet filter that censors the web. This comes after the Government responded to our campaign by deferring the filter until 2012 (with the likelihood that the filter will never come back in its current form). With independent Senator Nick Xenophon, the Greens and now the Coalition all walking away from the ineffective policy of censoring the internet, there is now no way for the Senate to pass this scheme. This is your victory. Thank you! Check out what we did together -- and hear about the ongoing global fight here: We've…
Last reply by sativaindicaruderalis, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by konflikt, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Last reply by cybergenesis, -
- 9 replies
Did you know that drugs have been part of our culture since the 1960's?! Before that, it seems, there was no such thing as 'drugs'. According to Drug Free World this is a truism. Similarly, according to this crack-pot site, people only take drugs either to 'relax', 'experiment', 'fit in', or 'relieve boredom'. None mentions that we do what we do because it is fun and, in my case, insightful. Rather, according to the people over at the Drug Free World claim that ALL drugs work in the same way: "A small amount acts as a stimulant (speeds you up). A greater amount acts as a sedative (slows you down). An even larger amount poisons and can kill. This is true of any drug. On…
Last reply by turtlefayce, -
- 2 replies
Dear Thank you for your email regarding an article in the Sydney Morning Herald on data retention. The Labor Government is consulting broadly with industry in relation to the continuing availability of telecommunications data for law enforcement and national security purposes before making a decision on introducing a data retention regime. The number of requests made for access to telecommunications data in the last reporting year demonstrates the value of this tool in the investigation of serious crime and security matters. The purpose of industry consultation was to initiate discussion on possible models. Consultations have developed a possible model whereby t…
Last reply by snooch,