Canna Porn Photo Competition
Canna Porn cannabis photography announcements, details and voting.
52 topics in this forum
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Choose your favourite Canna Porn entry from our Top 5 selection for this round of the cannabis photography competition and help pick a winner. We would like to thank everyone who entered this round of the Canna Porn competition and as always appreciated your contributions and support. Congratulations to everyone that made it to the Top 5 round and if you missed out this time get uploading to the next competition round here. We are taking your entries until the end of December when we will announce this votes winner and the next Canna Porn Top 5. The lucky winner of this Top 5 vote will be the proud owner of our Canna Porn winners only t-shirt and the limited edition Can…
Last reply by Dank420Swagger, -
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- 17 replies
Hi Stoners and cannabis lovers, The votes are in and we're pleased to announce the winner for the July to December 2012 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition. This round the lucky winner is soon to be the proud owner of the new Canna Porn jacket and gift voucher from the community shop, so without any further delay we present the winner being Badseed77 with WWbud63days. Congratulations Badseed77 and thanks for entering look forward to more of your work, and again thank you to everyone who entered the competition and if you missed out don't get cutm or have a fit just get clicking and upload more of your great cannabis photography to the current running July - D…
Last reply by Withoutatrace, -
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Well after a long wait we're finally please to announce the Canna Porn Top 5 Picks from the July - December 2012 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition. We took 10 entries based on their ratings, reputation points, views and any comments they had. Then we picked the top 5 from them as featured in the topic poll based on our personal favourites from them. For something a little different this round we've decided to trial the public poll option meaning all votes are public, please note you must be a registered and validated member in order to vote for Canna Porn. The lucky winner of the July - December photography competition will pick up the new Canna Porn jacket as…
Last reply by Oz, -
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- 2 replies
Well the vote has long since been in and we're sorry it's taken awhile to announce the winner. So without further delay we're proud to present the winner for the January to June 2012 Canna Porn competition being Strawberry Diesel IX By fractal genetics as featured below, submitted via email/upload form anonymously. Congratulations you have won the Canna Porn prize pack as featured here. As always thank you to everyone that took the time to enter and sorry if you missed out this time but don't fret, if you haven't done already get snapping and enter Canna Porn again for the current running January - July 2013 photography competition.
Last reply by Naycha, -
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- 26 replies
#1 #2 #3 (Click images to enlarge) High Stoners, It's time to vote again on your favourite Canna Porn photography for the January - June 2012 competition. The picks for this round have been chosen carefully to help direct Canna Porn to what it's really all about being great cannabis inspired photography and not just great buds which of course we do all love to see. The lucky winner of this round will receive the below mentioned "Ultimate Canna Porn Prize Pack". The voting closes on the 1st January 2013 00:01 and this topic wil be closed the winning entry will be annouced shortly after. If you missed out on being selected in the vote this round don't worry you can alwa…
Last reply by Naycha, -
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- 11 replies
High Stoners, The vote is in and we're happy to announce the Canna Porn (Jul - Dec 2011) Winner and thank everyone one that took the time to put their vote in, and of course a special thanks to everyone that entered. The winner for Canna Porn July - December 2011 is Matanuska Valley with his Grapefruit Diesel Congratulations Matanuska Valley your now the proud owner of an OZ Stoners gift pack which includes a Canna Porn winners only shirt, OZ Stoners t-shirt, OZ Stoners Tin & Pollinator and a vaporstar vaporizer from Bongs N Things. If you missed out on winning Canna Porn this round don't jump just yet step in from the ledge and get your entry into the next Can…
Last reply by Matanuska Valley, -
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#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 High Stoners & here it finally is! The Top 5 Canna Porn from our July - December 2011 cannabis photography competition pictured above as always featuring in no particular order, we hope you enjoy drooling over them as much as we have and get your vote in today to show your support for Canna Porn. We had a hard time picking the top five for this round and have had to adjust the terms & conditions slightly to suite, as your favourite submissions based on ratings and comments made it impossible to choose just one submission from each. The lucky winner of this Canna Porn vote will be receiving an OZ Stoners gift pack which includes a Canna Porn winner…
Last reply by Budzzz, -
Canna Porn Top 5 Vote! 1 2 3
by Oz-
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- 27 replies
# 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5Please take a moment to view the full sized images! High Stoners & here it is the Top 5 Canna Porn from our July - December 2010 cannabis photography competition pictured above as always featuring in no particular order, we hope you enjoy drooling over them as much as we have and get your vote in today to show your support for Canna Porn. The lucky winner of this vote will be receiving the below pictured prize pack which we're sure you'll enjoy. Please note the July - December gallery is closed during the voting period. If you missed out this round on making the top five don't pull your hair out get into the the current January - June 2011 Ca…
Last reply by Unclejim, -
Canna Porn Winner 1 2
by Oz-
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- 19 replies
Well the voting has closed and the results are final for the Canna Porn July - December 2010 cannabis photography competition with gundawindi winning this round of Canna Porn with this piece of cannabis photography pictured below. Old Mother Sativa cannabis plant It's a great picture of a beautiful cannabis plant that was certainly popular with the cannabis community. Congratulations gundawindi and well done we look forward to seeing plenty more to come. You have won the below pictured prize pack consisting of a Canna Porn winners only t-shirt and thanks to Bongs N Things a Micro Torch Jet Lighter, Chong Bong, set of On Balance DK-1000 pocket scales and also with speci…
Last reply by Oz, -
The voting for the April - June 2010 Canna Porn photography competition will finish at midnight on the 24th December 2010. During the voting process we have hidden the April - June 2010 Canna Porn photography competition album to further help in providing an fair vote for all. The album will be re-visible once the voting has finished. Thanks as always to everyone that entered and congratulations to the following Top 5 for the April - June 2010 Canna Porn photography competition; Good luck to all! The lucky winner will receive the below pictured Dopeland Mad Hatter Genetics Canna Porn Pack. The prize pack comes with the Canna Porn Winners shirt, a signed copy of…
Last reply by Oz, -
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- 3 replies
Hey Stoners, With just under a month left for the Canna Porn July - December 2010 cannabis photography competition before entries close and the vote begins, if you haven't got your entry in yet then hurry before its closed and the voting process begins. To help us select the top entrants for the vote please visit the Canna Porn July - December 2010 category and rate the entries. Good luck to all the current and last minute entries in advance.
Last reply by Oz, -
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- 7 replies
We're bringing back our Canna Porn Cannabis Photography Competition bigger and better than ever before. We've changed the way Canna Porn works having decided to make it a bi-annual competition to allow for both major outdoor cannabis harvest seasons, and create an even more diverse and competitive competition while also allowing us to bring you a much bigger Canna Porn prize pack and to celebrate we're kicking off the July - December 2010 Canna Porn competition early with the below prize pack valued at over $265AUD up for grabs with special thanks to Bongs N Things and Demon Seeds. The above pictured Canna Porn prize pack comes with the Canna Porn winners shirt, a Mi…
Last reply by spaceleaf, -
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- 3.9k views has undergone a complete upgrade with a complete list of all Canna Porn prize packs, more entry options, photography tips & tricks and complete Canna Porn competition details. We have also set up a Canna Porn RSS feed of this forum so everyone can keep up to date on everything Canna Porn easily. We invite you all to visit and check it out for yourselves, enjoy & get clicking
Last reply by Uncle Chop Chop, -
Canna Porn Winner 1 2
by Oz-
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- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Unfortunately the winner of this months competition was disqualified after the voting had begun however we are just as pleased to announce the runner up as the winner of the April - June 2008 Canna Porn cannabis photo competition instead and once again thank all those who entered this Canna Porn for your support, if you missed out then make sure you get clicking and enter the October - December 2008 Canna Porn Competition now open for entries. Congratulations goes to subcool for his winning Canna Porn entry: Purple Urkle The Canna Porn prize pack for April - June 2008 is pictured below however the shirt is now a green print print on black, and special thanks goe…
Last reply by thc24, -
Canna Porn Winner! 1 2
by Oz-
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- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey as always we thank all those that contributed to the Canna Porn cannabis photography competition and are pleased to announce that the winner for the July - September 2008 Canna Porn competition is janemary with her entry of "Ice" pictured below. Congratulations janemary thanks for entering Canna Porn and well done! The prize for the July - September 2008 Canna Porn is an Official Canna Porn t-shirt, and a signed copy of Simon Jacksons book "How to be Good at Being Stoned" from Headstuff books. To collect your prize please email us at Canna Porn with your delivery address details so we can get it on the way …
Last reply by RollingTurtleShells, -