Building and Construction
841 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
Hi i have a 150W hps light to use. I now need a new box and was wondering is this 2 small. 38cm(w) x 25cm(d) x 75cm(h). This would be oky for a 70W, but do u think it will get to hot for a 150W. please help
Last reply by Brainstorm, -
- 9 replies
I think I've gained enough basic knowledge to set up my first grow box, now I'm moving on to safety. I am absolutely fucking paranoid about fire. A lot of the time there will be no one home, so I want a design that won't burn the place down no matter what happens. I remember stonedas mentioning ballusts blowing up. So I'm considering butting it in a fire proof container. I'll make the cabinet carcass out of fire retardent material, and even have fire collars around the vent openings. Obviously I'll have surge protection on all the electrics and a smoke detector that shuts everything off and perhaps a heat heat detector that just shuts the lights off. The other th…
Last reply by nsgreen, -
- 6 replies
high hows it goin over there i need a simple but good size room and am thinking of useing panda film as a sort of curtain to enclose a section of my spare bedroom i have seen pics of simarler kinds of rooms at 420 site and need a bit of advice........ and also just thinking how i would get some venterlation happanig..... and what the hell does {} stand for... thanks guys n girls and have a merry xmas n good new year...
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 16 replies
Hi All, This may seem like a stupid question, but i'm gonna ask anyway, does the light that would come through the holes in the inlet and outlet fans effect the plants when they're in the flowering stage?? Or are the fans ducted out to something with a bend or curve in the ducting stopping the light ever getting to the plants? Does this make sense? I'm ripped so sorry if it doesn't, or if any further clarification is required. Shit this is hard work....
Last reply by Cypress, -
- 2 replies
hey, Heres a few pics from AFOAF's fluro grow, variety of clones all at 37 days vegetation. Even though the plants are root bound and are in irregular pot sizes they are still handling things quiet well. There are three four foot(40 watt) fluro tubes in an area of 4 x 2 foot. Works out at 15 watts a square foot (120 watts/8 squarefeet). The walls of the cupboard are covered in bubblebacked mylar foil, there is a 4" computer fan for exhaust as well as a small oscilating fan. There is no inlet fan due to concealment just air breather holes at base of cupboard. Substrate is lava grow rocks fed on canna nutes (1400 ppm).
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 0 replies
- 517 views Note that the plastic Pepsi bottle has a hole in the bottom (next to the pan). That’s my “auto-waterer”! Hold your thumb over the hole and fill the bottle with weak nutes. Cap the bottle tightly and set it in the pan with the plants. Release your thumb and the pan will fill to where the hole is in the Pepsi bottle and will auto feed from there. It’s easy to take time off with the auto-waterer in place. Virtually maintenance free for days or a week at a time
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 1 reply
hi im just wondering if anyone here has used a phototron or knows anyone who has one of my friends purchase one but never got around to using it and he has offered to sell it to me cheap i had a look at the system the other day and it looks like it would work well, but as im new to indoor growing i wouldnt really know i would appreciate it is anyone has any info thanx ClosetCultivator
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 4 replies
I have put alot of effort into researching and testing setups etc. This stealth case will be modelled as a computer as a 19" rackmountable case. The front panel will feature dummy components and leds. An LCD will be mounted on the front to monitor temps. The case dimensions as 420mm W x 420mm D x 800mm H. Attached is my initial design of the sections and how everything will be positioned within the dimensions. Due to this being stealth tne air flow will be from bottom to up, hot air rises. It will pass through the carbon scrubbers to remove odor. This hasn't been tested and will have a test run done in the next couple of days with some dried skunk and anything else th…
Last reply by Tom, -
Grow room supplier
by Guest Babybear- 7 replies
- 647 views i have no talet for makin a grow room , all i know is you need lightin fan an air fillerin in there, if i can afford it would it be alot better to jsut get a whole package from this bloke? I have a huge walk in rob an have a nice corner of it i could use, i dont want to use the whole thing been a rented house an need to be able to ccover it up or just hide it so, hmm where to start help pls, rember i not ritch
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 3 replies
heya guys, basically i wanted to somehow rig my fans to my digital thermometer, so it only flushes when needed any ideas? or should i just hook them to a timer and set it for like 10 mins every hour?? stay safe cheers
Last reply by daselecta, -
- 5 replies
My Grow room consists of the following:*a grow fridge from Grow Australia(4oo watt HPS,built in fan and exhaust ducting,large self watering pots and res) *a large prop chamber(dual fluros,double heat pad,drip trays x2) *a large warddrobe painted white inside running twin exhaust fans and a 4oow lobay with SunMaster lamp) Peace DrGreen27
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
wtd to no if growtron grow cabnets are still getting around if so pm me please cheer's
Last reply by aussieinvader, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, Alot of people have been asking for this thread, but try to keep it as hypothetical as possible. Before I start,I advise all to thoroughly think out what you are about to do. If you decide that this is the path you wish to follow, start by getting a execercise book, calander, calculator and a nice big bowl. Write down the measurements of any rooms you wish to use. Where all windows, vents, points and obstructions are. Also find out what power you have to use. This is checked at the main power box. The normal power for residential is 55-125 amp(1 amp = 240 watts) This is then divided between the different circuits on the board (lights,power,aircon,…
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 7 replies
Ok, here it is. I figured I wouldn't need any odour control in the mother room. (Plants don't give off smell during veg do they?) And a couple of flouros would be enough to keep them healthy. Hope to be able to keep up to 4 mothers. I've got filters/odour control for the upper chamber as I plan to use this as a drying room. Aside from this I will have two 400x900x1800 flowering chambers. One for sativas and one for indicas, each run on a 250W HPS and will have odour control. Everything will be on a drip to waste hydro as before. I don't think I'll bother with the cheapo aero, I'll just root my clones in the hydro medium (unless anyone thinks this is a bad id…
Last reply by Tom, -
grow box design 1 2
by pipeman- 16 replies
sorry guys, I still can't work out how to upload a picture. So I put it up at yahoo, here's the link. growbox The dimensions are approximate, as it is to fit inside a standard 2 door wardrobe. I plan to run a drip to waste hydro system similar to Tom's. The plan is to keep 3 or 4 different mothers and alternate crops. The yield is expected to be at least 2 ounces every 2 months or so, with any luck more. Is this a reasonable expectation? The priorities of this setup are in order of importance: 1. Decent to high quality bud for personal use 2. Not have to continually get seeds/clones from an outside source. 3. Yield (min 12ounces per year) 4. Simplicity/minim…
Last reply by nouseforaname,