Building and Construction
841 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Just whiped up a small mother plant cabinet today. Holds three mums - enough to do about 40 good size goods. To cut down on heat in the cabinet and have extra head height ive cut a hole on top of the cabinet and installed a aircooled reflector on top - attached a inline fan onto the reflector. I did remove the glass from the aircooled hood so fresh air will be passively brought into the cabinet (if a need to cool it down more i will put glass back in and install a seperate air out fan). Inside the cabinet I wraped it some reflective wall wrap insulation(mylar would be better but i get this stuff for free. Lighting consists of 1 400 watt MH. Resi will be out side …
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 1 reply
hey dude im a first time grower, and i dont care for yeild, i only want to try and get the biggest plants, the most bud as possible as i can in such a small grow room. This is going to sound crud all, but im on a tight budget, and i know, if i stinge on my plants, they will return the favor. But im doing the best i can. i will hopefully have 6 plants (hopefully) in a cardboard box .. the box is 100cm x 70cm x 70cm. im going to have 2 fans, 1 in, 1 out (obviously) - 100mm inline fan. Im only going to have prolly 3 x 130w CF globes in there. 1 x 14,000 marine spectrum 1 x 6400 blue spectrum 1 x 2700k red spectrum. would you recomend 2 x 14,000 instead of the…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
hey all would 30 x 25cm x 60cm be enough for one small plant ? only experimental purposes only, first time grow.. ill be using some CF globes.. prolly a couple of 125w ta
Last reply by everest, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hey all i want to spend as little as possible and build my own hydro.. i want to start off small.. maybe somthing like a 4 plant system.. i have $700 and that needs to include lighting. let me know asap cheers
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 3 replies
hey all so basically the more light, the bigger yeild. so 2000w per plant could yeild.. ?
Last reply by F420, -
- 1 reply
Hey, ive got a speaker cabinet about 3 feet tall and 1 foot deep. I am completely new to growing but i believe grass and money should be two separate things. Im looking to get some personal for me and a few others. I was wondering if anyone could be kind enough to direct me towards the neccesities for completing a succesful grow my 1st time. Ive got bag seeds, the cab, and a place for the cabinet. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 1 reply
Hey people, I was wondering if my grow box is a good idea the dimensions are 164cm x 74cm x 64cm for two plants. The box is all white on the inside and I am usind a Philips 400w hps light bulb. would u give this a :thumbsup or a :thumbdown . Any help would be appresiated. Thanx tonik
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hey, Heres a grow setup i found while searching this morning.. Its a totally enclosed grow kettle..heres the owners quote
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I need some info on clasic style Refrigerators , like where I can cut vent holes (no freon messes). If anybody knows anything on this let me know plz. thanks I want to to use it as a germinator, cloner and veg box then transfer them to a closet (flower room). So this way I always have plants vegging ready to to go in the flower room. Hydroponics all the way This URL gives very little info on fridge grows but shows it can be done. Fridge box concept click here
Last reply by refrakt, -
- 4 replies
How would i go about ventilation in a closet grow without light leaks? :scratchin Any help appreciated.
Last reply by F420, -
- 14 replies
Just curious as to what everyone's advice would be on my new grow box. The size is; 172cm HEIGHT 83cm WIDTH 102cm DEPTH I was thinking of having 4 plants inside two tubs, 50LT, two plants per tub. There is enough room for this easy. One dual air-pump with two airstones in each tub. Two water heaters inside the tubs as well, one in each. Two 15cm desktop fans on either side of the wardrobe with a 250mm ceiling exhaust fan built in to the top of the box. The light i was thinking of was a 600W. The advice i need........ is there enough room for 4 plants in two tubs growing, height/length wise, enough room for the plants to 'grow'? is it going to be hot in t…
Last reply by sLiM sHiFty, -
Because of my new living arrangements,my grow space has been nearly halved. So i had to whip up a new grow box. It's basically a pine frame with sheets of mdf surrounding it. The size is 2m x 1.2 x 1.2. The inside has been lined with panda film. The thing is,i will be using a friends lighting sys.(he is using my 1000W) It is a 400W son-t-argo,but the reflector has a built-in ballast,which i didn't know before i built my box. I'm worried about the heat that it will put out. The grow box will have a constant supply of fresh air plus another little fan blowing on plants. It also has a good exh sys. I'm just wondering whether that will be enough. It can get pretty hot where i…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
spidermite 1 2
by everest-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
:reallyexcited: hey ppl , pulled me grow room to bits and dumped it , so i can improve a few things like ventilation and style of growing . my last grow or 2 i struggled with the spidermite so i'm thinking how the hell i'm gonna seal my room ,light tight and bug tight . i'm unable to paint anything and the construction will be timber and lined with panda film. i'l bomb the spot before i start but is there any other product i could line the room in before i fix the panda ? cheers for any help
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 11 replies
hi there guys new room is almost up- as in all beams are up(this is a new room, underneath house for cooler air temp and stealth issues...), one wall is up, we are doing the final 3 today...(we is my husband and I) the room is 1.7 metres(thats high) x 1.8m x 1.2m. In this room will be a 600 Watt light.., and we are looking at growing initially, 6 plants(these will be clones, and of these 6, if space becomes an issue, only best plants will be kept, if neccesary will cut neccesary numbers). We have decided to grow in net pots, with net pots being submerged in a nutrient solution which will be continually hooked up to air pump, one large pump will have say 6 hoses attache…
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Does anyone know if panda film can catch fire if it comes into contact with your light (400 watt). Also how about hot-spots in a small grow cabinet. Cabinet measures 900mm width x 450mm depth x 1200mm height (The lobay light only just fits in). Thanks Chief
Last reply by quizywig, -