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Growing WEED



Hey Guys,

ive been trying to grow some jamaican cannabis in my closet but i think ive screwed up.....

anyways , i have the seed and i tried germinating it using a sponge but it didnt work

then i tried using the paper towel method but it didnt work and now i think the seed is dead cuz when i put it into a cup of water it sinks......


any suggestions????? :sdj:


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dude... im a huge noob too... but leave the lil guy alone for a few days. dont look at or think about it. just put it in water (sinking is GOOD) and putit a dark place and let nature do her things. haha relax ma- man :bongon:
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i put mine on an wet paper towel on a plate then the seedsthen another piece of towel over the seeds then put cling wrap over that then another plate over thatthen in a frezzer bag then sit it in a dark place with an garbage bag over the plates for about 4 days .check them every day so the paper towel doesnt dry out
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i put mine in a money bag with water and put it on the window sill but keep a eye on it you will need to keep puttin water in the bag. the seed will split open and start to grow when that happens puy it in the ground/pot.
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Hi dude

You did'nt mention how long you left the seeds in water for ?

I have had seeds that have taken 2 weeks to crack , so persevere

mmmmmmmmmm jamaican

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