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Harry Imago


I have decided to stop buying and start growing. Indoors, the garage unfortunately, it has a North facing wall and the west is shaded but I'd expect upto 36-38' in the height of summer. No air-con but insulated roof and brick house.


I built myself a growing room. Got the gear from the local hydroponics store. The person who served me was awasome, I won't mention the store for obvious reasons.


I've attached some photos. The aluminium was cut and just put it together, rolled the panda film over and stuck it down. That was last Monday, tonight I roofed it with 3mm ply with an inlet and an extraction fan.


I am running a HPS400 with a small shade. The temperature is about 29-30 with the lamp on. Relative humidity is between 45-60, but has got as high as 90%. I bought this little weather station toy from Dick Smith and it has a daily min max function too.


I have transplanted what I think are two 40cm/1.2' female plants. I really hope I have it right this time. Last year I had a couple of plants outside and got pollinated. So this year I have been really careful and only grown three seeds, and have five cuttings at 10cm 4". The biggest problem I have had so far is that the female I took the cuttings off was flowering. Now money and wife have kept me from erecting two rooms, so in order to try and vegetate my cuttings they are sharing the 12/12 of the two larger plants and getting put outside during the day to catch some nature.


The larger plants are in Cana Coco and survived the outdoor indoor transplant really well. Again thanks to the hydro shop he sold me this $20 tiny bottle of vitamins and I dunked in the roots at transplant time and they are loving the HPS. Both are in early flower. One is your traditional Xmas tree, the other was tipped at 20cm for the cutting 1 (which is not doing well at all) and cuttings 3,4,5 and 6 were taken at 30cm. So she looks a bit like a 3D candelabra .


Not sure if this is really the right place to do a progress sort of thing. Happy to be pointed in the right direction. I created a topic earlier think I might delete it.


Need to last about 8 weeks I reckon, luckily my brother in-law came through for me over the weekend, as I had run dry. Will need to buy maybe a half oz and ration.


Does anybody else try and juggle work and growing and young kids and wife and ex-wife and older kids and just really looking forward to sitting down to another cone.




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