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Caramelicious and cheese autos

Porky 1982


Hi every one growing caramelicious and cheese autos from msnl seeds. Am in the illawarra and am using a greenhouse for warmth and got a great spot where the plants recieve direct light for at least 7hours a day. Plants poked their heads up on 5th of Feb. Everything was going well untill a large storm flipped my green house and all but one plant the large healthy one was left in its pot the others were thrown 5 meters away and lost half there roots in the process. They suffered stress but seem to be on the mend I had to tip the cheese plant because the main cola stem was coming out pure white not ideal as it just begun to transition to bud stage. Be interesting to see the yeild different between the stressed 2 and the healthy one. They should be ready to harvest by the end of April. Ill put up dated photos on weekly. Hope yous enjoyblogentry-63201-0-12326000-1520219488_thumb.jpgblogentry-63201-0-75399700-1520219575_thumb.jpgblogentry-63201-0-90803200-1520219632_thumb.jpg


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Hi guys ive tried to add to this grow log but I can only add in the comment box so I cant put up any more photos and I cant find glogs on the mobile app. Shit web site and app set up if you ask me so there will be no more entries. Thanks for looking guys
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Such a shame.Hate autos but got cramel auto as a freeby.Turned out not to be auto(to my joy)It got 7-8 feet.Actually had a sweet caramel smell and the bud was top shelf.I could post some pics but might look like a smart arse considering above comment and to lazy to dig up pictures no one will look at

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