White Widow 2weeks Veg

Noted as a medicinal strain useful for relieving anxiety and is up lifting. Other varieties that offer releif for anxiety also promise a bomb to go off; "Dont make any plans" sort of deal. Well as fun as that sounds I think the show must go on; and then so shall I. Here is my next effort. I'm looking forward to using this new GLOG, Cheers to the powers that be, this just gets funner. I hope you enjoy my journal as much as Im going to.
Here is a variety that caught the eye of Mr Nice. In what must be a hall mark canna bitch fights; will the real owner of White Whidow please stand up. The Famous Mr Nice (Howard Marks) put his money on a chap called Shantibaba. Shantibaba was the Co-founder of what is now Green house Seeds and Mr Nice and Shantibaba are off doing there own thing; the early days of this genetics seems like a whos who of canabis. Others names such as Schoenmaker, the co-founder of sensi seeds pops up. White Widow is definitly a strain of ledgendary proportions and is certainly worth a look.
Technical stuff
This is a cocco/perlite media 12inch pot (70/30). Irrigated using an Autopot. There are two different auto pots being used here. There one on the left flooded on first release of the valve; everthing appears to be in order and the Rez is holding steady at 10L so there are no cracks in the more bolbouse housing. The one on the right I have used before and appears to be operating without a hitch. Im 7 days in now. Three of the 5 seeds came up.
Fresh is best . I am hoping one of these beauties is a male I am very hungry for a supply of pollen.
Im running a 400W MH 6.4K bulb during veg, 3K during flower and a 10K MH bulb in the last two weeks to finish off. vented by a 150mm Canfan pushing into a carbon filter outside the cupboard.
the 400w bulb is housed in a cool tube wich at this point is fixed at the top of the cupboard 1m above teh seedlings.
The total grow area is 800x1000x1800. Both nutrient rez are contained outside the cupboard to help keep the nutrients temp/pH and grow area humidity stable, and to maximise the grow area. Growing for gold.
New Pix 10 days in
Day 10 of Veg.
Both pots are doing well. The model on the left does seem to be performing better. Both, pots are identical. There appears to be a bit of curl on one leaf, I can't see any bug or blemish, at this stage Im not too worried about it, however if more leaves appeaer this way I'll have a closer look.
25/04/2014. Today was the only 'real' work. aside from the accasional adoration and checking for pH and EC wich remained within acceptable range for the whole two weeks. Both Res tanks were topped up with nutrient solution. the EC has been increaced to 1.6
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