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some pics - must get a decent camera! or learn to use this one.









Hit with pk 13/14 last week, full strength last night. 22CF, Have been increasing over each feed, no burns :bongon:, no mites :blink:. last pk tmrrw. Then canna a&B with earth juice catalyst, rhizotonic. Suppliers out of cannazym :blink:


Jack smells so sweet like an incense stick. brush it and yum.

AK has pink pistills and smells skunky

CS smells fruity -

JKxCheese - can't decide, one seems to be more like jack in its bud formation and the other has closer nodes and less stretch. Coco has been first class to work with. Put some cuts (taken 2 weeks into bud) in a small pot and humidity dome and they all rooted real well and quik, might stop using peat pellets. Time to get next batch ready.


Stealth cab is standing the test, had people sitting next to cab without asking or wondering, :bongon:. Luv the scrubber, no smells. Only have a slight hum from turning extraction to low - must sort that out for peace of mind. Temps max 29, min 18.


3-4 weeks to go! Everything humming alone to plan. Selective Trimming on some shade leaves. Try n get the small popcorns to get some light for some bubble hash.

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