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Is there anyone out there?.....



Is there anyone out there that can give me some info on a new growing medium I'm thinking of using, Growstones?

I run one 600W HPS Eye Hortilux lamp in a large Avenger Adjusta-a-wing shade over a 30lt pot in a run to waste system. I'm currently growing in coco and I yield around 19 bags, (on a good cycle). My local hydro shop has introduced me to a new medium that they're selling called Growstones an I'm thinking about giving it a go. I've done research on the net, no shortage of info out there, but I want to know if anyone in Oz has grown with it before.


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Never used but.

Grow stones are a horticultural, scientific and environmental win-win-win. They are a breakthrough substrate environmentally engineered from 100% recycled glass.

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I'm a convert to Growstones. Nearly at the end of my flower and have had no problems, my plant has a mad ass root system and I think that I've used my nutrients much more economically. Happy days!!
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