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Hi All



I am looking for help/advice, or anyone who has the same problem.


I have Parkinson's, but I have become allergic to the conventional medications, which makes life very difficult. it was suggest MJ could be helpful.


In sheer desperation and with nothing to loose I gave it ago..... the result was miraculous - for the first time in months I felt normal, the pain and stiffness was gone, I could moved with ease in short I felt as though I was back in the human race. If taking MJ washable to do this then perhaps I still could lead a productive life instead of a vegetive one.


In the days following It was a bit hit and miss as I am also an Asthmatic and non smoker. I hit the Internet looking for help (which lead me here) in the meantime I ordered a vaporizer and continued researching.


I found it better for daytime to ingest than vaporize the effects come on slower but last longer, for sleep or total relaxation. It is a continual balancing act as I have no control over what strain I am purchasing. Neither the less regardless of which strain I have on hand it is better than nothing. To have control there is only one path open to me ---- aghh it's so frustrating... So many seed banks etc --


Anyway that's my experience to date and would welcome any advice.


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try vapourising concentrates ... and smaller ammt's of them ..... effects will be more rapid and last a long time..... the onset will not be as drawn out and will occur more rapidly (faster relief?) .... ...


peace n pot ...

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Thanks for they advice, doing much better with vaporizer (Majic Flight) now. I have the timing right now etc ...... :thumbsup:



I've taken the plunge and ordered some seeds. Looking forward to growing my own (it is such a raewarding plant to grow in more ways than one. . :D ... which is really the only way to go ... Especially for medical .


Our laws are very antiquated :crybaby:



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Our present laws were rushed in only 60 years ago and were made out of total ignorance towards this miraculous plant. You are just one of many who have exhausted modern medical options only to find a solution from cannabis. I am so pleased that you have found relief and believe that all Parkinson sufferers should have the option to choose their treatment plan and if that includes cannabis then that should be a basic human right.
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Our present laws were rushed in only 60 years ago and were made out of total ignorance towards this miraculous plant. You are just one of many who have exhausted modern medical options only to find a solution from cannabis. I am so pleased that you have found relief and believe that all Parkinson sufferers should have the option to choose their treatment plan and if that includes cannabis then that should be a basic human right.



Yes the law is totally ignorant and so are a lot of people, I've got admit I was a bit nonplussed and never really thought about mj and the law. I've never been against it but I thought of it as more a recreational thing, and each to his own. So I never paid a lot of attention to the media hype etc. but now because my condition , I've done a lot of research etc and I am so much more aware of the need to have it made legal. I don't know which is worse , The biased view and mis information we are fed by the government or that a lot of people because of their particular needs find themselves on the other side of the law.

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Will be looking forward to seeing your grow on ozstoners !!! :) we'll all dime in and give you any tips if you need any along the way ! :)peace n pot.




So excited ordered seed (Juicy Fruit) on 10th Nov got extra as well, preparing them for germination ASAP



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