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OK Guys on new on here so take it easy on me. I have been a smoker for over 20 years and lined pockets of many people. All i want to do is find out where i can buy a complete hydro system with everything. I don't have time to build. Can anyone advise of a shop where i can buy this type of system. Also not sure what type of system i'm a real beginner, a bit green, pardon the pun. Thanks


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Starting to read though the posts on this web site would be a good idea. google is a wealth off Knowledge maybe try a grow log you'll get lots off help from the pro's as they all like watching other people succeed and contribute the wizdom when problem arise.


ebay is good to use as far as shop to buy a complete system wear do you live ?


Growing indoors is relatively easy don't over complicate things. Fresh air, good lighting, Fresh water and a keen eye for detail and commitment you have a good grow no matter your experiences level.


Youtube has some green dood showing allot off basic shit, hit that up


any questions id be more than happy answering. im a first time poster hehe, ill haft to get used to it

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Hey dudes, first timer here too. How are ya?


Well, depending on where you are, there are a few hydroponic stores that can sell you everything you need in one shot. One of them is Nicoponics in camberwell. My father's cousin owns it, and let's just say, he likes to smoke on occasion. I'm sure if you were subtle, he'd get you everything you'd need.


Hope that helps. But yeah, probs best off reading through some forums. There are some real green wizards here man.

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try accent hydroponics in kurnell,they quoted me a complete system ie enclosed tent,lights fans timers for $1500 all up. the tent is awesome even though i havent bought it yet...fear my wife will leave if she finds out...ah well ....bye honey :yahoo:
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