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iTiC's Glog

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White Widow stealth cupboard

Entries in this glog

Week 3 nearly heavy veg

Almost 3 weeks veg and I think I need to flip. The stalk is think and the leaves are green. I don't intend on LSTing I intend the tree to maximise its own canopy Ill give it the best conditions to do this, if I chose to tip Ill veg for one more week . However, If I veg for another week I fear the crown will reach the cool tube during flower. 4 weeks is the best time to flip as the plant is mature enough ... options! Im leaning toward tipping at this stage. and giving her one more week veg. Edit



White Widow 2weeks Veg

Noted as a medicinal strain useful for relieving anxiety and is up lifting. Other varieties that offer releif for anxiety also promise a bomb to go off; "Dont make any plans" sort of deal. Well as fun as that sounds I think the show must go on; and then so shall I. Here is my next effort. I'm looking forward to using this new GLOG, Cheers to the powers that be, this just gets funner. I hope you enjoy my journal as much as Im going to. Here is a variety that caught the eye of Mr Nice. In what mus



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