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5 weeks in. very happy.






mr nice beans via mr nice auctions.

g13xwidow , devil and dreamtime and my mystery bag seed sativa which is very nice.


feeding 1/2 strength cana coco, flairform grostorm, rhizofuel, 1 drop of superthrive per litre almost every feed and always adjust ph pre feed down to at least 6.

these boys n girls are loving it and responding well to the mars 400.


heat stability is awesome, fluctates between 22-28 or so. ambient humidity is nuts today.not usually over 50 but 90!

big storm coming.


hope to share some good vibes over coming weeks :-)


p.s I wish id bought the 600, but glad I erred on side of caution as the heat factor seems perfect for my size tent.


any questions happy to answer.




anyways, this is approx 5 weeks from popping


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Wooohooo a LED grow. I have the same light, aswell as two 300w LED panels. Going to use them for flowering, but im curious to know the results of an all LED grow... ill be following :)

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