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  • The seedlings are now showing quite a nice looking set of roots for 4 days old. They are a strong white and seem to be loving the bed of Perlite.
  • Another set of leaves are developing above the first set of true leaves on the biggest seedling.
  • The 3rd seed that cracked we placed immediately into rockwool before it developed any kind of tail at all. We made sure that the tail would be facing down when it did start to develop. It now was one healthy tail growing out the bottom of the rockwool and the Cotyledon have broken out of the seed, however, we placed it too low in the rockwool and as a result the seedling has effectively opened up beneath the surface of the rockwool. i opened the rockwool up at the top a bit and I think after the next light cycle it will probably have emerged from the cube. I guess it also means the root mass will have less rockwool to grow. I hope it does'nt affect it's development too much.
  • One of the other seeds I have (either the AK47, Violator Kush or Nightshade) has now cracked too.


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All in good time friend - There should be a more current photo in the most recent entry but I will break out my SLR and get the best shot I can just for you! ;-) and also for capt yNg beard.

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