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All is good.   I think it is at this point that the two oldest plants are starting to actually enter veg.   As far as my thinking there were bugs, I think peices of coco just get picked up and carried around onto the leaves or something. I have'nt seen anything like it since then.   Everything is looking really good. I can even see roots beginning to come through at the bottom of the pots, so I will buy some big pots tomorrow and re-pot them once and for all. I have been watering just enough to




This first part is taken from a comment on 'Overheating again... But" because I feel it deserves it's own entry and I wanted to add a little to it.     "I have changed my mind about what the problem is here. I opened all the flaps at the bottom of the tent, raised the light to 600mm (measured precisely with a tape measure), put a 30cm fan in there and yet they still droop. What am I doing wrong, I ask myself.   Even if these things didn't fix the problem of "overheating" they should have made at



Overheating again... but!

So, I went in to my tent this morning at about 11.30am to find that one of my girls in particular was looking almost as droopy as she was the night before. I think I had the light too close last night. I had a look this morning and it was more like 15cm than 30cm away from the plants (I was high when I set it all up). I moved the lights up another 15cm and then just tested the heat with the back of my hand below the light. the difference 15cm makes is tremendous. I'm sure it will perk up during



New Tent

Here are some photos rom my SLR. I did not have the fan sealed last night as I had no tape to seal it with. Even about 80cm away from the plants last night they began to droop quite badly which a friend recognised as the plants overheating. I bought a 30cm fan for $20.00 and hung it with a few lengths of string and I did it in such a way that I can lower and raise it without any fooling around untying knots. Plants have recovered to their normal state and have been fine for the last 4hrs under



New Tent and Bigger Light

I have tansfered the plants from the small tent and repotted them in coco that I soaked in a solution of CANNA A&B and Rhiztonic with PH of about 6. I was careful in removing the plastic from around the Grodan rockwool cubes, not to damage the roots. I set up a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m (I think) with a 600W analog ballast running a 600W HPS bulb. There is a small fan that the person I inherited the equipment from gave me. there is no ducting it just sucks from inside the tent to out. there is no smel



Two and a half weeks, or so.

So, over the last week and a half a few things have happened. I was intending to upload some better shots not under those PS1's because the purple in the spectrum wacks out the pictures, however, after the battery charger for my SLR arrived from good ol' Ebay, I realised I did not have a card reader and I was keen to update this glog so screw it. I mentioned in the last one that I could not figure out why some were differing and colour and shape (a couple of them just look deformed). Well, I fig



About a Week

Its been about a week now and I'm a little confused as to why some of the plants are developing in the way that they are. they have all received the same treatment and yet one plant grows healthily with all strong green leaves and a big white root structure, yet another has yellowing leaves and a small root structure comparitively (although it was always a bit slower, and another winth a browning root. I have been watering with ordinary water, no Rhizotonic, except for when i soaked the rockwool



Root Mass

The seedlings are now showing quite a nice looking set of roots for 4 days old. They are a strong white and seem to be loving the bed of Perlite. Another set of leaves are developing above the first set of true leaves on the biggest seedling. The 3rd seed that cracked we placed immediately into rockwool before it developed any kind of tail at all. We made sure that the tail would be facing down when it did start to develop. It now was one healthy tail growing out the bottom of the rockwool and




I partied last night. This will be short. Took the lid of the humidity boxoff and the plants dried out as well as the rockwool cubes plus the tent is now covered in moisture that was usually retained by the box. So, I was wrong. It is necessary. After five or so days another one of the original seedlings cracked. The others have not made any progress that I can see. I can see one tiny little offshoot of a root coming off the main root on one of the seedlings.




Roots   · My babies are almost through their 3rd light cycle now (18/6). I checked them to see how moist the rockwool was. It needed a bit of a feed so I gave them a few squirts of water (just using tap water now PH 6-7 naturally). I noticed (excitedly) that both of the seedlings are showing their first root coming out of the bottom of the rockwool. · The other seeds that I tried to germinate with the ones that are now flourishing I still have sitting in a container. I read somewhere that some s



Still Baby Steps

Sprouts   · So far the seeds are through their second light cycle (18/6) and the Cotyledon are looking green and healthy. The more advanced seedling is beginning to develop trues leaves. I have given them a few more squirts with the fertilizer solution I was needlessly worried about. I mixed such a low concentration it hasn’t seemed to harm them at all. · I know have some other seeds going that someone gave me. There are a few strains one of which I think is AK47. Not sure of the others. I forgo



Baby Steps

I have copied the following out of the journal I just finished roughly writing up with a few notes to my self and a few questions. If you see any errors in my methodology thus far (which I'm sure there will be) or if you see a question mark indicating I'm unsure of something please leave a comment or preferably and answer.     · Seeds – Did not have enough money or time to purchase decent seeds. Will have some money soon and will probably order some nice seeds and see if I can get them going in



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