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Hi OzStoners :toke:


When my legs and back got a bit much to surf so much (or lay rocks any more for that matter) I kinda was lost and didn't really know how to do the whole stay-at-home-dad thingo and remain somewhat active-my burdens and the kids can make it awkward to just hit it anytime its on sooo....

I started learning about cultivating cannabis last year through these boards and it has rekindled a deep interest in basically growin stuff and keeping somewhat fit at the same time. It also introduces the kids (well, mostly the lil one) to patience and understanding-as well as getting em out of the house lol anyway I'm thinking I'll just dump some garden shots and general discussion. It is not just a vinno thing it is a family thing.

*here are some pics of little pretty flowers from around the yard that my little one gathered :thumbsup:


To start, I'll share a link to one of my favourite online shops-we get many things here. :gardening:


Peace and good growing friends. v :sun:


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Its the best time mama!  sometimes she just cruises around doin her thing but most times shes out there pickin peas, nicking any edible strawberries lol I was thinking of doing another post but I havent been doing much but watering and feeding the cannabis plants I went too hard on the gdn fork and wrenched my back-jus a occupational hazard for a masonry ninja lol 'Couple days rest and shes sweet.  heres a pic of a gala that just finished munching one of the sunflowers-had a feast lol  *edit...dont know if Im allowed to upload pics?  If I can then I will.  Is it cool Oz? I am unsure of how if it is :bonghit:   ....back n knee rest


Peace all through ya. v :sun:

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There's never really a bad moment when you're out in the garden with your kids. One of the simple joys in life that can teach them so many valuble skills, and you get to eat stuff at the end of it. Get em young and hopefully when they're older they won't get caught up in all the BS that society throws at us.

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