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Bagseed move in

Innocent criminal


Moved my bagseed seedlings into the cab tonight, like Chron I decided to repot them into straight coco coir for the move inside.


Started off by running boiling water through ten 4" pots, to kill any bugs/eggs/spore ect that may be present.

I then made up 10 lt's of half strength coco nutes and added some cannazyme to the mix (8lt for washing the roots, 2 for watering in).

It was then a simple case of carefully letting the seedraising mix fall away from the seedlings and then rising in the nute mix to clean any left clinging.

They were then gently placed into the pots of coco and given 200ml of nute mix each.


They will stay here for a few days while I make more space towards the centre of the cab...



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